The prostate is an important part of men. As age increases, the prostate also increases in size, causing prostate enlargement. So what is the normal prostate size, when is prostate enlargement?
1. What is the prostate?
The prostate is a small gland found only in men, located just below the bladder neck, surrounding the urethra that connects to the bladder neck.
The prostate is a small gland found only in men.

2. Normal prostate size
At birth, the prostate is the size of a pea and continues to grow until the age of 20, when it weighs 15-20g. Between the ages of 30-45, the prostate mass remains stable at 20g. The normal prostate size is: width 4cm, length 3cm, and front-to-back diameter of about 2cm.
3. Prostate enlargement size
From the age of 45 and up, the prostate develops unstably, gradually expanding in size. The degree of enlargement varies from person to person, normally the prostate has an average mass of 20g, in people with prostate enlargement it increases from 30g - 80g, even from 100g - 200g in some people.
Through clinical examination, doctors can detect prostate enlargement, however, assessing the volume of the prostate plays a very important role in diagnosis and treatment monitoring, so ultrasound is a widely used assessment method with the advantages of not causing trauma, being performed quickly, accurately, and highly effective.
4. Signs of prostate enlargement

- Difficulty urinating: the patient feels the urge to urinate but has to stand for a while to urinate, at the same time the urine stream is small, the feeling of no force when urinating, and there may be painful urination.
- Urinary incontinence: is a condition in which urine is excreted uncontrollably.
- Intermittent urination: prostate enlargement is often accompanied by the formation of bladder stones, causing the urination process to be interrupted suddenly, changing position can urinate normally.
- Increased frequency of urination: the interval between 2 urinations is short, always feeling the urge to urinate, occurring both day and night, seriously affecting the patient's sleep.
Although prostate enlargement is not too dangerous and can be treated to significantly improve the patient's urinary disorders, and there are many intervention methods, like all other diseases, prostate enlargement needs to be detected early and treated promptly to avoid complications such as bladder stones, recurrent urinary tract infections, chronic urinary retention, ... and possible kidney failure. Therefore, when detecting symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to see a specialist for timely examination and treatment.
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