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Hello doctor! May I ask if regular use of antihypertensive drugs leads to gastritis or not? If so, how is it treated? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Sincerely thank!
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! Currently, there are main classes of antihypertensive drugs as follows:
ACE inhibitors and angiotensinogen receptor blockers. Calcium channel antagonists. β-blocker group. Diuretic group. CNS depressant group. So to accurately answer the question of whether regular use of antihypertensive drugs leads to gastritis or not? Your doctor needs to know what medication you are taking to be able to advise specifically if it is causing gastritis or not. Therefore, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined and to receive more specific advice.
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Answered by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Bang Phong - Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Intervention cum Head of Heart Failure Clinic - Heart Failure Intensive Care Clinic - Vinmec Times City International Hospital