Is acute abdominal pain dangerous and when to go to the emergency room?

Acute lower abdominal pain or upper abdominal pain are common symptoms. In some cases, abdominal pain can signal a medical condition. So is acute abdominal pain dangerous, when should abdominal pain go to the emergency room?

1. What is acute lower abdominal pain?

Abdominal pain, also known as abdominal pain, includes lower abdominal pain and upper abdominal pain. Acute upper abdominal pain is often immediately thought of as stomach pain or digestive problems, while acute lower abdominal pain can be a warning sign of gynecological problems. In fact, acute abdominal pain can range in severity from mild to severe, such as cramping and can be intermittent or long-lasting, however, for no longer than 2 weeks, and the attacks usually come on suddenly.

2. Is acute abdominal pain dangerous?

Is acute abdominal pain dangerous is the question of many people. In fact, not all abdominal pain is dangerous and the intensity of the pain does not indicate the severity of the disease, because some cases are severe but may be due to digestive disorders, while some In other cases, less pain or only mild pain is a sign of dangerous diseases such as appendicitis or cancer. In fact, whether acute abdominal pain is dangerous depends on the cause of the abdominal pain. Some problems and diseases have acute abdominal pain such as:

2.1. Digestive disorders, food poisoning

Food poisoning can cause acute abdominal pain with intermittent cramping pain accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever. Usually, mild food poisoning can go away on its own and the patient just needs to add enough water and eat nutritious food to increase resistance.
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2.2. Gastritis acute

Is acute abdominal pain dangerous if the patient has acute gastritis but does not treat it so that the disease often recurs and progresses to chronic. At that time, the stomach lining is severely damaged, affecting the body's immune system. Acute abdominal pain due to acute gastritis is usually severe, dull pain appearing in the epigastrium, or the patient may feel a burning pain, burning, accompanied by other symptoms such as indigestion, sadness vomiting, vomiting, bad breath, swollen tongue, severe may vomit sour fluid and blood.

2.3. Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis also causes severe abdominal pain. The location of the pain is below the nose of the sternum, in the epigastrium. Acute pancreatitis can be caused by worms entering the pancreatic duct or by gallstones, when the pain is often sudden and severe. Patients with acute pancreatitis may experience such abdominal pain for several days.
MORE: Treatment of acute abdominal pain
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2.4. Acute appendicitis

Is acute abdominal pain dangerous, the answer is yes if the cause of pain is acute appendicitis, because the disease can cause dangerous complications such as sepsis, even death. Acute appendicitis occurs at any age with epigastric pain, then the pain spreads to the right iliac fossa, the pain level increases, the patient will feel dull pain, sharp pain or cramping pain. In particular, the pain will increase when the patient is active or coughing. Accompanying abdominal pain are other symptoms such as vomiting, fever, low blood pressure, dehydration leading to dysfunction of the lungs, heart, lungs, kidney failure, reduced blood volume, ....

2.5. Nephritis, kidney stones

Acute lower abdominal pain can also be caused by nephritis or kidney stones. Urinary tract infections, causing inflammation of the urinary tract, causing urine to be stagnant and blocked leading to kidney stones. At that time, the patient may feel pain in the abdomen and back, the spasm pain can spread from the back to the pelvis and genitals. In addition to abdominal pain, back pain, the disease is also accompanied by symptoms such as painful urination, frequent urination, blood in the urine. The disease, if left untreated, can lead to kidney failure and infection.
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2.6. Gynecological diseases

Acute lower abdominal pain in the lumbar region spreading to the vulva with burning manifestations, accompanied by rectal pain, bladder pain, difficulty urinating, painful urination, vulvar itching, wanting to defecate, ... may be due to diseases gynecological problems such as adnexitis, ovarian inflammation, genital prolapse, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ...

2.7. Infertility

Endometriosis may not be dangerous, but it can lead to female infertility because the lining moves to the fallopian tubes and blocks them. At that time, women may experience acute abdominal pain because the endometrial layer sheds, causing bleeding but cannot be drained, causing inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ...

2.8. Ectopic pregnancy

Acute lower abdominal pain may also be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. When having abdominal pain but not during menstruation and accompanied by bleeding, the patient can be in danger, even death, because it may be a rupture of the fetus, or heavy bleeding will lead to infertility.
MORE: What can acute and chronic abdominal pain indicate?
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3. When to go to the emergency room for abdominal pain?

As stated above, acute abdominal pain can be dangerous and life threatening if it is caused by a number of diseases such as acute appendicitis, gynecological disease, etc. Therefore, patients should pay attention to monitor and go to the emergency room if accompanied by the following symptoms:
High fever, bloody stools, diarrhea: This is a sign of intestinal infection, the patient needs to go to the hospital. medical facilities or visit a doctor to be prescribed antibiotic treatment. Abdominal distention, vomiting, inability to defecate: Severe abdominal pain associated with these symptoms may be a sign of gastric perforation, so the patient needs urgent medical attention soon. Vaginal bleeding: Acute lower abdominal pain that lasts but not until the menstrual cycle, even with signs of bleeding are manifestations of gynecological diseases or ectopic pregnancy. At that time, the patient does not try to endure, but needs to visit the doctor immediately for examination, treatment, and timely treatment. Abdominal pain going to the emergency room is when a patient has prolonged abdominal pain accompanied by other unusual symptoms such as high fever, diarrhea, bloody stools, vaginal bleeding, ... Then, see a doctor promptly. Time can soon identify the cause of the disease to treat and limit the danger to health and life.
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