Symptoms of esophagitis

Esophagitis can be caused by many reasons, the most common being stomach acid reflux, which causes irritation on the lining of the esophagus leading to inflammation. Patients can follow the article below to know what are the symptoms of esophagitis?

1. What is ulcerative esophagitis?

Esophagitis is a condition when the lining of the esophagus is damaged, leading to inflammation. If the patient has this condition but is not treated, it will cause swallowing problems due to ulcers, scarring of the esophagus such as chest pain, painful swallowing and difficulty swallowing. In other cases, esophagitis can progress to Barrett's esophagus, one of the risk factors for esophageal cancer.

2. Symptoms of esophagitis

Patients may experience 1 or more symptoms caused by esophagitis as follows:
Clinical signs of esophagitis:
Swallowing pain and difficulty swallowing; Hoarseness and cough; Burning sensation in the chest; Chest pain and sore throat, especially when eating; Pain in the back of the sternum when the patient drinks or eats; Stomach pain and saliva regurgitation; Nausea and vomiting blood ; Anorexia and anorexia in children cause growth retardation and malnutrition; There is a sour feeling in the throat due to stomach acid reflux; Severe symptoms such as: Cardiovascular disorders, arrhythmias, arrhythmias and poor health. Symptoms of subclinical esophagitis:
Esophageal X-ray: The image of esophagitis shows that the esophageal border is not smooth like small serrations, the mucosa is rough, interrupted, blurred, and has a motility disorder.. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy: The image shows congested mucosa, edema, and epithelial sloughing... Some other diagnostic techniques can help determine the cause of esophagitis, such as pH measurement. oesophagitis to diagnose reflux, esophageal biopsy for fungal infection, etc. These symptoms of esophagitis are usually not too serious. If the patient is well treated, these symptoms will gradually disappear. However, in patients with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or diabetes, these symptoms can be dangerous.
Don't be subjective when your loved one or yourself. Especially in young children, signs of esophagitis appear. If severe symptoms appear such as: Chest pain even when not eating, shortness of breath, muscle pain, inability to swallow, high fever and headache... occur. Depending on the location and disease status of each patient, the disease can progress to severe, difficult to treat and potentially lead to cancer.
The patient needs to go to the hospital or medical facility immediately if:
Has chest pain that lasts more than a few minutes Has a feeling of choking Unable to drink even a little water.

3. Factors that increase the risk of esophagitis

There are many factors that increase the risk of patients developing esophageal ulcers, as follows:
Patients with weakened immune systems due to diabetes, HIV/AIDS, lymphoma, blood cancer or other immune diseases is different. The patient is undergoing chemotherapy. Radiation therapy to the chest wall Diaphragmatic hernia (making the stomach pass through the hole of the diaphragm). Patients taking anti-rejection drugs. Use anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin. Patients use alcohol and tobacco. Obese patients. The patient has chronic vomiting.

4. Diagnosis and treatment in esophagitis

To accurately diagnose esophagitis, patients need to do other tests in addition to their symptoms and medical history such as biopsy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, X-ray with contrast agents. optical, ...
Before proceeding to treat esophageal ulcers, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the disease so that effective treatment regimens can be prescribed. There are specific treatment drugs for patients with esophagitis including:
Antifungal drugs: When the causative agent is a fungus. Antiviral drugs: When the causative agent is a virus. Anti-gastric drugs: When the causative agent is the reflux of gastric juice, it helps to protect the lining of the esophagus from these effects. Analgesics: Helps to improve pain symptoms caused by esophagitis. Sterioid drugs: Oral drugs are also often indicated to help improve the condition of patients with esophageal ulcers. Proton pump inhibitors: These drugs help limit the production of gastric juice, preventing reflux that causes esophagitis. In addition, esophageal ulcers due to specific causes such as drugs or allergies will require special treatment methods, mainly control during drug use and from the patient's diet. . Patients should avoid foods containing substances that cause allergic esophagitis. If the cause of ulcerative esophagitis is due to medication, the patient should use oral liquid or drink more water when taking the drug. Thus, esophagitis can be treated quickly and without recurrence when the cause of this disease is found and corrected. Besides the treatment of esophageal ulcers with drugs, the patient should have a suitable lifestyle to support the treatment process and prevent recurrence of the disease:
Avoid using spicy foods such as curry, pepper , chilli. Avoid hard foods such as crackers, beans or unprocessed vegetables. Avoid acidic foods such as oranges, tomatoes, grapes and other juices. Eat soft foods like cooked cereals, custards, mashed potatoes, puddings, and high-protein milks. Chew well and eat small pieces. Avoid using tobacco, coffee, tea, tea and alcohol. It is recommended that patients when experiencing any abnormal signs suspected to be caused by esophageal ulcers should immediately see a doctor for advice, guidance and timely treatment before the disease progresses.

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