How to treat stomach polyps?

Hello doctor,
Can you tell me how to treat stomach polyps?
Anonymous customer
Answered by Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
With the question "How to treat stomach polyps?", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Stomach polyps are abnormal growths that occur on the inner lining of the stomach wall. , which is completely harmless and does not cause any symptoms but is discovered by accident during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for another disease.
Treatment of gastric polyps depends on the location, size and nature of the polyp, usually polyps are cut through endoscopy. Although the vast majority of gastric polyps, more than 90%, are noncancerous, certain types of polyps require further examination to ensure there are no precancerous cells or a high risk of actual malignant transformation. the. You should see a specialist for a detailed diagnosis and advice.
If you still have questions about stomach polyps, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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