Is chest pain caused by reflux?

Hello doctor,
I have chest pain sometimes on the left side, sometimes on the right side, echocardiography and chest x-ray are normal, and gastroscopy is due to reflux, before I had difficulty breathing. Sore throat is now 90% less. As for the left breast, the pain is dull, I have been taking stomach medicine for nearly 3 months. The doctor asked me if my chest pain is due to reflux? I thank you!
Hoang (1993)
To the question "Is chest pain caused by reflux?", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) includes step-by-step approaches. The goals are to control symptoms, heal esophagitis, and prevent recurrent esophagitis or other complications. Treatment is based on (1) lifestyle changes and (2) control of gastric acid secretion with antacids or PPIs or surgical treatment.
Approximately 80% of patients with recurrent non-progressive GERD will be controlled with medication. It is important to identify 20% of patients with the progressive form of the disease, as they may develop severe complications, such as stricture or Barrett's esophagus.
Therefore, you should visit the Department of Endoscopy- Gastroenterology to be able to diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.
If you still have questions about chest pain caused by reflux, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Answered by Dr., Doctor Truong Ngoc Hai - Resuscitation Doctor - Emergency Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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