Is it dangerous to have an anal abscess after surgery?

Hello doctor,
I am 30 years old this year, four months ago I had an anal abscess surgery, now the surgical site has healed but pus still comes out through the anus, pus does not come out often, indicating after defecation and defecation or constipation (twisting stool). Doctor let me ask after surgery anal abscess is bleeding dangerous? Thanks for the advice doctor.
Pham Duy Riem (1992)
Answered by Master. Doctor Duong Xuan Loc - Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
With the question “Is there any danger of pus discharge after surgery? , the doctor answered as follows:
Anal abscess and Anal fistula are a pathology, the only difference is that the abscess is acute, anal fistula is chronic. Patients undergoing anal abscess surgery have a rate of about 30% of fistula occurrence within 1 year after abscess surgery.
Therefore, with your case appearing pus discharge and twisting stool after surgery, you should re-examine the anorectal specialist for an accurate diagnosis as well as the right treatment regimen.
If you still have questions about surgery for anal abscess with pus, you can go to a medical facility of Vinmec Health System for early examination and treatment. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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