Initial outcome of living-donor liver transplantation using right lobe graft in Vinmec hospital, Vietnam

Author: Hoang Duc Nam, Dao Duc Dung, Chu Chong Woo - Vinmec Times City International Hospital, Viet Nam.


24 LDLT performed in Vinmec International Hospital – Hanoi, Vietnam since Apr 2017 to Jan 2019. Donor age from 21-49, with indentical ABO blood group. Recipients of the age of 9-66, males:females ratio was 19:5. LDLT indications mainly for cirrhosis due to HBV, hepatocellular carcinoma, acute liver failure and other end stage liver diseases. These have been performed in both urgent and routine circumstancy.


No mortality, and no transfusion needed perioperatively in the donors. One complication happened in donors that underwent reoperation due to biliary stricture, which recovery well. Average length of hospital stay was 9 ± 3 days. Donor post-operative remnant liver volume was 42,9 ± 4,1%. The left liver later hypertrophy up to 78 ± 11% compared with the original liver, in 3,5 ± 2,6 months. Average MELD Score in recepients was 17 ± 11. Average length of hospital stay in recipient was 28,5 ± 17,8 days (15-103). 1-year survival was 78,9%, post-operative 30-day mortality in one case. Survival period achieved 11,9 ± 7,0 months. Surgical-related complications in recipients at 6/24 cases, reoperation needed in 4 cases.


LDLT with was feasible and can be safely performed with justified indications as well as extremely well preparation and care for the donors. Initial outcome was really encouraging, which help overcome the scarce of donor organ as well as shorten the waiting time.

98 lượt đọc

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