Abdominal pain above the navel with nausea is stomach pain?

Doctor, can I ask if I have these symptoms, I have stomach pain, symptoms include: Abdominal pain above the navel, sometimes nausea, vomiting, eating everything. The pain was so bad that I took painkillers.
Ngo Quynh Trang (Hanoi)
Hello doctor. I sometimes have abdominal pain above my navel, when I eat, I feel nauseous. So what is the disease? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hi, pain in the area above the navel can be a sign of many diseases including stomach disease. For example, diseases of the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine.... can all cause pain above the navel. Therefore, you should see a specialist, need to have an ultrasound and possibly have a gastroscopy to get the most accurate diagnosis.
Master, Doctor Nguyen Phuoc Lam - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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