Can 17-year-old symptoms of autism be overcome?

Hello doctor! After researching and reading the article "Signs of children with mild autism" of my hospital, I realized that my sister has all the signs and symptoms mentioned. Although knowing that their child is not developing normally, his parents never thought about taking his younger brother to the doctor, but were very patient and concerned about him, creating every opportunity for him to live comfortably as he wanted. Currently, her sister is 17 years old, still goes to school like her friends, but her academic performance is poor, she has no friends because she doesn't communicate, integrates, lives a closed life or closes the door. Don't show emotions, don't talk if you don't really need to. I would like to ask, can 17-year-old symptoms of autism be overcome? I would like to thank the doctor.
Anonymous question
Hello! Through the information that she provided, the doctor realized that her sister may have psychological problems. Therefore, in order to be able to support her sister, she needs to go to the Psycho-Psychiatric clinics to get a definitive diagnosis, from which the direction of treatment and support interventions are better.
If your sister has autism or lack of skills, the doctor can provide counseling, therapeutic intervention, and supportive education after the examination to clearly identify her problem. what. Thank you for trusting and sharing the question "Can 17-year-old autism symptoms be overcome?" to Vinmec. We hope to be able to meet your family at the hospital of Vinmec Health System to conduct an in-depth examination and consultation. Wish your family good health always.

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Answered by Doctor Bui Thi Hang - Pediatrician - High-Tech Unit for Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Autism, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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