Can I be transferred to hospital while being treated for multi-organ failure infection and dialysis?

My wife is being treated for a multi-organ infection and has been on dialysis for 26 hours. So I want to transfer, can I? The doctor said he was seriously ill.
Giang Van Dau (1979)
Hello. Infections with multiple organ failure and dialysis are serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. If I want to transfer, I need to consult the hospital I want to move to that can meet high technology such as: Continuous dialysis, mechanical ventilation... and your wife's condition can you move to another hospital
no such as: Is there a drop in blood pressure, respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation... or not?
It's best to meet directly with the ICU doctor to discuss directly about your wife's condition.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
Answered by Master, Doctor Phan Van Phong - Emergency Doctor - Emergency Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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