Can paraplegia due to multiple sclerosis be treated?

Hello doctor, after being examined at a hospital, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I was treated at that hospital but the disease did not improve. Now I am paralyzed in both legs. I want to be consulted by a doctor.
Ngo Kim Minh (1976)
Multiple sclerosis is indeed a difficult disease. Currently, Vinmec is applying the technology of extracting and transplanting autologous stem cells to cure this disease. This is a new, positive direction. The Endocrine Neurologists and Vinmec Center for Regenerative Technology Application are ready to help you. If you need to visit, please contact Vinmec Times city hospital switchboard: 024 3974 3556.
Doctor, Doctor Nguyen Dac Nghia - Trauma Unit - Orthopedics - Vinmec Times city International General Hospital

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