Does a bruise on the leg need a blood test?

Hello doctor! I bruised for no reason, bruised a lot on my leg this time for the 2nd time. So often bruises on my legs need to have a blood test? There are no other symptoms other than bruising. Please help me doctor.
Huynh Thi Thuy Vi (2002)
Hello. If you regularly appear bruises under the skin without any reason, you should go to the hospital to be checked because this can be a sign of diseases such as diabetes, vitamin deficiency, blood disorder, imbalance. endocrinology...
During the examination, the doctor will assign necessary tests to diagnose the disease and have timely treatment.
You can make a visit at a hospital of Vinmec Health System. We look forward to meeting you and giving you more in-depth advice.
Thanks for the question “Does often bruises on the legs need a blood test?” to Vinmec Wish you always have good health.

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