Fatigue in the groin area after femoral neck surgery

I have a femoral neck injury, I had surgery 2 years ago and drove 3 sponge screws to fix it, now I feel tired in the groin area, sometimes when I practice it, it makes a noise in the groin area, does it have to be regressed? do you match?
Dung (1992)
I would like to answer your question: Fracture of the femoral neck in a young person like you has the same risk as necrosis of the femoral head, because when breaking the femoral neck, the blood vessels part feed the damaged tip. Have you re-examined and re-examined? If you haven't, then I recommend you go to the Vinmec Health System Hospital to re-evaluate the bone healing, and the condition of the inguinal femoral head. Best regards!
Answered by Doctor of General Surgery & Anesthesia, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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