How do I know if my child has polycystic liver or kidney disease inherited from his father?

Hello doctor! I want to be asked and consulted about liver and polycystic kidney problems. My husband has a liver disease, polycystic kidney and I know this disease is hereditary. I have 2 children, the oldest daughter is 7 years old and the youngest is 8 months old. So let me ask, how to know if my child has polycystic liver and kidney inherited from his father? I would like to thank the doctor!
Trinh Nhu Trang (1987)
Hello! With the question "how to know if the child has polycystic liver or kidney disease inherited from the father?" Doctors recommend that your husband and children need genetic screening and counseling, followed by genetic testing. When the results are available, it will advise the cause and risk of liver and polycystic kidney disease in your two children.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Answered by Doctor Bui Thi Phuong Hoa - Genetic Consultant - Vinmec High-Tech Center.

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