How to handle electric shock burns on the palm?

Hello Doctor. She was electrocuted directly at the ends of the wire in the palm of her right hand, creating a small wound in the palm of her hand. I was jerked for a few seconds and then fell out. I researched online and found that it may be necrosis due to electric burns. So how to handle electric shock burns on the palm? Thank you doctor.
Nguyen Van Tuan (1997)
Answered by Master, Doctor Phan Ngoc Toan - Emergency Resuscitation Department, Vinmec Danang International Hospital.
With the question "How to handle electric shock burns on the palm?", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Local damage caused by electric shock depends on: Type of electric current (1 direct or alternating current), amperage, contact time, anatomical structure in situ,...
With the information you mentioned that the contact time is only a few seconds, a small wound on the palm of the hand will be less likely to occur. the possibility of developing into a necrotic lesion.However, for an accurate assessment, you need to go to a medical facility for a wound examination and appropriate treatment indication. electric shock burns on the palm, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Best regards!

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