Is it dangerous to have an abnormal nodule on the tongue that is not painful?

Hello doctor. These days, my tongue appears nodules on the surface of the tongue and the edge of the tongue. They are the same color as the tongue, do not sting nor cause problems. Through research, I found that stress or eating a lot of hot food is also one of the causes of the above symptoms. However, half a month ago I had oral sex. So, I don't know if I have warts or another tongue disease? I hope the doctor can help me.
Thank you doctor!
Anonymous question
The appearance of nodules on the surface of the tongue and the edge of the tongue is not normal, although you do not have pain, burning or entanglement. Furthermore, oral sex is a very high risk factor for STIs. Therefore, you and your partner should go to a specialist Dental - Jaw - Face and Dermatology for the doctor to examine and test to accurately determine the disease you have.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
Master, Doctor Lai Do Quyen - Doctor of Dental - Jaw - Facial - Interspecialty Department - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

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