Is it dangerous to use monthly birth control pills with brown bleeding?

Hello doctor, can you tell me if it is dangerous to use monthly birth control pills with brown bleeding? Since I'm planning to have a baby, I don't know if it will affect my pregnancy or not. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Anonymous question
Hello! Thank you for asking the question: “Is it dangerous to use monthly birth control pills for brown bleeding? "to Vinmec.
The phenomenon of using birth control pills every day but having little or irregular periods is the cause of a hormonal imbalance in the body. Or it can also be due to a hormone disorder, because the main action of birth control pills is to change hormone levels in a woman's body. This has led to some women having irregular periods, too little or too much, and even missing their periods after taking birth control pills for a long time. Therefore, in the current case, the doctor recommends that you go to reputable medical centers or hospitals of Vinmec Health System to be examined and recommend appropriate birth control pills. Wishing you good health always. Best regards!

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