Sleep less, EEG measurement, low amplitude of waves are signs of disease?

Hello doctor! I am 45 years old this year, rarely sleep, I have an EEG measurement, the amplitude of the waves is almost a straight line. So the doctor asked me to sleep less, measure EEG, low amplitude waves are signs of disease? I hope my doctor can help me with medical advice. Thank you doctor!
Nguyen Nguyen (1976)
Hello! EEG measurement, low amplitude waves are common in cases that affect intracranial and extracranial conduction such as tumors, anxiety, cortical damage... Therefore, to learn more about the condition of the brain. If you don't sleep well, measure EEG, low amplitude of waves is a sign of what disease, it's best to go to a Neurology specialist at a hospital under Vinmec Health System. The doctor here may recommend that you perform a CT Scan or an MRI of the brain to find the cause and advise on the treatment of your condition.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Hope to meet you one day soon for an in-depth consultation. Best regards!
Answered by Specialist Doctor I Tran Quoc Vinh - Emergency Doctor - Resuscitation Department - Emergency - Vinmec Nha Trang International Hospital

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