What is the cause of diabetes after treatment for pancreatitis?

Hello doctor. Before I had dialysis, my blood sugar test was normal. After being treated for pancreatitis, he developed type 1 diabetes. Please tell me what is the cause? Blood sugar is always in a state of high blood sugar above 20mol. Please advise doctor, I would like to thank.
Tran Van Hoan (1992)
As you describe, you have no history of diabetes. Patients with acute pancreatitis require dialysis, then develop diabetes. This is diabetes secondary to pancreatitis, causing damage to the pancreas, reducing insulin secretion. In this case, you should see an endocrinologist for advice and appropriate treatment.
Type 1 diabetes is common in young people. The most common cause is an autoimmune disease that severely damages the pancreas, which secretes insulin, causing high blood sugar. If left untreated, it can easily lead to complications of ketoacidosis. Treatment of type 1 diabetes only uses insulin injections, not oral drugs.
You can visit Vinmec Health System facilities nationwide to get advice and guidance from experienced doctors.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Answered by Doctor Nguyen Hung - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine, Vinmec Da Nang General Hospital.

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