What is vascular convulsion in the left temple?

Hi doctor,
Recently, my left temple sometimes feels like there is a blood vessel convulsing, it feels like something is crawling in my blood vessel. I don't feel any pain but I do feel discomfort from the occasional jerking. I want to ask what is the convulsion of the blood vessel in the left temple? I look forward to hearing from the doctor. Thank you very much doctor.
Nguyen Van The Anh (1990)
Answered by Neurologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
With the question "What is the convulsion of blood vessels in the left temple?", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Types of vascular headaches, migraine headaches can make you feel A pulsating headache, or in some cases nerve pain, can also give you a stinging, ants-like sensation in the affected area.
Risk factors for vasomotor headaches Here are some factors that can trigger a migraine:
Changes in female hormones: Some women experience headaches just before or during a migraine. menstrual cycle. Some birth control pills can increase or decrease the frequency of pain Some foods such as chocolate, cheese, canned foods, and certain additives such as monosodium glutamate found in many foods can cause headaches. Some drinks such as wine, caffeinated beverages Stress, stress at work and life Vasomotor headaches often occur when your body is unwell, the weather changes or the air pressure changes. sudden change. Some people may experience headaches when the sleep-wake rhythm changes (too much sleep or insomnia), or when they are physically active. How dangerous is vasomotor headache? Migraine headaches cause long-lasting headaches that make you feel tired, stressed, and reduce your ability to work. When a headache occurs frequently, it will seriously affect the health, psychology, and upset the patient's work, study and daily life. If you take pain relievers not according to your doctor's instructions, you may experience stomach problems such as stomach ulcers, or will lead to overuse of pain relievers.
Vasomotor headache, if not treated properly and promptly, will lead to depression, body weakness, memory loss, loss of concentration, stroke...
The symptoms you describe are not clear, not enough information information to determine exactly what disease it is. You should see a doctor early for timely diagnosis and treatment.
If you still have questions about the twitching blood vessel in the left temple, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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