What should I do if I take medicine to treat facial injuries?

Hello doctor! I suffered an injury due to a strong impact on the left side of my face that made me unable to open my mouth. I went to the doctor and took an X-ray but the doctor diagnosed me as unaffected. The doctor gave me a prescription, but I took it for a week without any improvement. So the doctor asked me what should I do? Thanks for the advice doctor!
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! Maxillofacial trauma can cause damage to bones and soft tissues. From there, it leads to other health problems such as swelling, swelling, restriction of opening and closing...
If you have taken prescribed medicine but do not see any improvement, you can go to a hospital of System Health. Vinmec clinic to be examined and given appropriate treatment by a specialist Dentist - Jaw - Facial. Before going to the doctor, you should bring the X-ray films, previous examination.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. We look forward to meeting you for further consultation. Best regards!
Answered by Dentist - Jaw - Facial - Interdisciplinary Department, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

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