What to do after injecting hand abscess still festering?

Hello doctor. I have a pimple on my finger. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with an abscess, pus-filled boil and had surgery for 4 days. I clean the incision periodically but it is still swollen and has pus, what should I do? I hope you can give me some advice, thanks.
Tang Le Hang (1988)
In your case, the doctor has read the information you have shared, then you need to go to a medical facility for a re-examination. If there is pus, it is necessary to review whether the injection and incision has been removed or needs further intervention, the second is whether the daily dressing change has been effective. However, with incisional abscesses, it takes more time to heal than normal clean wounds.
You can visit the hospitals of Vinmec Health system nationwide to be consulted more carefully by qualified and experienced doctors. Wish you always healthy!
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
Answered by Doctor of General Surgery & Anesthesia, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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