What's wrong with the baby complaining of epigastric pain?

Hello doctor, what is wrong with the baby complaining of epigastric pain? Please consult your doctor.
Pham Hoang Minh Huy (2012)
Hello. The causes of epigastric pain are often many, and may be gastrointestinal or extra-digestive. Depending on the characteristics of the pain, the location of the pain, the direction of spread, the progression, other accompanying manifestations and the ability to respond to drugs, it is possible to partially identify the pathology causing the epigastric pain.
So, with the question "What's wrong with the baby complaining of epigastric pain? "You should take your baby to the hospital to be examined by a doctor, especially if the pain is new for the first time or the pain is severe or accompanied by fever, difficulty breathing, fainting.
If the diagnosis is still in doubt or dangerous diseases need to be confirmed, the doctor will order appropriate tests and imaging, thereby helping to determine the cause and orient the treatment. You can take your baby to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more specific advice from the doctor.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. Best regards.

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