8 ways to improve sleep quality for old age

The article was professionally consulted with Doctor Cardiologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Older people may wake up more often and sleep more disrupted than younger people. The most likely cause is some bodily discomfort like having to use the toilet or changing positions because of painful joints.

1. Tips to improve sleep for the elderly

Aging can affect the quality of sleep in the elderly. The most likely cause is some bodily discomfort like having to use the toilet or changing positions because of painful joints.
Other changes include less total sleep time and rapid eye movement (REM) cycles – the dreaming phase of sleep that is shorter than part of normal aging. These changes vary widely from person to person, and in general, they affect men more than women.
Use the following tips to help seniors get a good night's sleep:
Check with your doctor or pharmacist what medications and supplements you're taking and consider changing them if they're affecting sleep quality . Stop drinking water within 2 hours before going to bed to limit going to the toilet. If you have trouble sleeping due to pain, see your doctor for prescription pain relievers to take before bed. even if the medicine can't help you get straight to sleep, it will make it easier to fall back to sleep. Light disrupts natural sleep patterns, so keep the space as dark as possible, including limiting light from TVs, computer screens, and phones. Limit caffeine intake, usually within 8 hours of bedtime.

8 cách cải thiện chất lượng giấc ngủ cho tuổi già
Hạn chế uống cà phê, thường trong vòng 08 tiếng trước khi ngủ

Avoid drinking alcohol near bedtime. Alcohol makes us sleepy, but when the effects of alcohol wear off, users tend to wake up in the middle of the night. To keep a quality sleep cycle, you should limit naps during the day if you find that sleeping during the day makes you less sleepy at night, avoid napping, only nap for 15 - 30 minutes. Using melatonin will help you sleep better. Taking a typical dose (1-3 mg) can elevate blood melatonin, blood melatonin levels dramatically, and start feeling drowsy. However, the wrong amount of melatonin can cause sleep disturbances. Everyone needs 7-8 hours of sleep every night. If sleep quality still doesn't improve after trying the tips above, or feels tired all day, see your doctor.

2. Test for a good night's sleep

Avoid drinking alcohol (including alcohol) at least 2 hours before going to bed to limit going to the toilet. Take a 10-20 minute nap when your schedule is empty to see if you feel more relaxed. Reduce the pain that disrupts sleep by doing some stretching for a few minutes every morning and night. Older people often fall back asleep as quickly as younger people. In addition, most age-related sleep changes occur before age 60, including time to fall back to sleep, which does not increase much in life.

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Articles refer to the source Mayoclinic

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