Acne-prone skin what to do?

Pimples often appear on the skin of the face, causing pain and discomfort. Even cystic acne easily leaves scars, causing aesthetic loss and affecting the psychology of many people. Therefore, it is necessary to treat acne early and properly to bring good results, without leaving bruises or pitted scars.

1. How to get rid of acne?

Skin with acne what to do? This is a question that many people with this condition are concerned about. In fact, prolonged pustules can seriously affect skin health. Therefore, people with acne should see a dermatologist for advice on acne treatment.
Mụn bọc
Mụn bọc là tình trạng viêm nhiễm da

2. Methods to treat cystic acne

2.1 Treatment of acne with drugs

The drugs are indicated to treat acne as follows:
Retinoid group (vitamin A acid): This is a cream or gel drug, used for topical application. The main effect of the drug is to reduce sebum secretion and eliminate sebum from the skin. Thereby, preventing the inflammatory process, helping to remove acne effectively. Salicylic Acid: This is the active ingredient commonly found in acne skin care products. Salicylic acid has the effect of exfoliating, preventing inflammation, reducing itching and pain caused by acne; Benzoyl peroxide: This is a drug used in the treatment of acne to kill bacteria. If acne is more severe, the doctor will assign the patient to use more drugs Clindamycin, Doxycycline, Erythromycin, ... During the use of the drug, the patient should pay attention to the side effects that may cause irritation such as dryness. skin, peeling skin,...; Birth control pills: Women with acne may need to use birth control pills for treatment. Birth control pills help balance hormones in the body, reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands. To promote the effectiveness of the drug and ensure safety, patients need to strictly follow the instructions for use of the doctor. The above drugs help treat pus-filled acne with quick results. However, during use, the drug can cause some side effects that affect the skin and health. In particular, if using antibiotics for a long time, users may experience menstrual disorders, stomach pain,...
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Thuôc tránh thai được sử dụng để điều trị mụn bọc

1.2 Treatment of acne with natural herbs

When new acne appears, users can use some natural herbs to remove residues, balance the physiology of the skin and reduce acne effectively. Some tips to treat acne from herbs are:
Use lettuce
Lettuce has antibacterial effect, reducing skin inflammation in people with acne. Besides, this vegetable is also rich in vitamins and minerals, helping to restore damaged skin. To treat pustules with lettuce, users do the following:
Wash the lettuce, puree and squeeze the juice; Use a cotton ball to soak in the solution of lettuce juice, apply it directly to the acne-affected skin area; Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes and then wash your face with warm water; Should do 2-3 times a week to reduce acne. Use honey
Honey has good bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is widely used in the treatment of acne. Besides, honey also contains vitamin A and vitamin C, which help prevent aging and improve skin elasticity. How to treat acne with honey is as follows:
Wash your face with cotton pads to remove sebum on the skin; Use a cotton swab to take a little honey, apply it directly to the acne-affected skin; Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then wash your face with warm water; After several days of implementation, the swelling, redness and pain in the acne skin area will be reduced.
Use green tea
Green tea has a high content of vitamins B, C and E, has the effect of nourishing and preventing skin aging. Not only that, the active ingredient EGCG in green tea also helps to kill inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria. Therefore, people with cystic acne can use green tea to treat acne as follows:
Prepare a few green tea leaves, wash, puree and then squeeze the juice; Clean facial skin; Use a cotton swab dipped in green tea juice, apply directly to the acne-affected skin; Leave it on, wait for about 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with clean water; Accordingly, to reduce inflammation caused by pustules, patients should treat acne with green tea 3-4 times a week.
Bột trà xanh
Người bị mụn bọc có thể sử dụng bột trà xanh

3. Note when treating acne at home

Depending on the development of acne, users can choose herbal or drug acne treatments. For the treatment to be highly effective, you need to pay attention:
Should clean your face with products such as cleanser, makeup remover, ... to remove dust, excess oil that causes clogged pores ; Do not use many types of makeup because it can clog pores; If squeezing acne incorrectly, it can make acne callous, dark or even cause inflammation. Therefore, people with acne should not touch or squeeze acne with their hands, should only remove acne when they have dried, acne is reduced, white kernels appear; You can use a towel to wrap an ice cube and apply it to your face to reduce redness, pain caused by acne, and help dry up acne faster; Should periodically exfoliate 1-2 times a week from natural mixtures such as coffee grounds, sugar, bath salts mixed with yogurt, coconut oil, honey, ... to remove sebum that clogs pores pores, preventing acne development; Wash blankets, pillows, face wipes clean to avoid bacteria clinging to the skin of the face, exacerbating acne; Apply moisturizer to the skin properly, because when the skin does not retain the necessary moisture, the sebaceous glands will work harder, causing more clogged pores; When going out or exposed to the sun, you should cover your skin and use a gentle sunscreen to protect your skin against acne-causing agents; Avoid foods: Milk, sugar, stimulants, fast food, canned food, fried food that causes heat in; Food should be added: foods rich in zinc (beans, beef), foods rich in vitamin A (carrots, sweet potatoes), foods rich in fiber and vitamins (fruits, vegetables), foods products that support the elimination of toxins for the liver (cruciferous vegetables, fruits, green vegetables); Should live in a healthier and more scientific mode. People with cystic acne should exercise regularly, go to bed early (sleep for 8 hours/day), keep a comfortable mind to enhance skin health. There are many ways to treat acne, depending on the case to use herbs or drugs accordingly. For the most effective treatment, people with acne should follow detailed instructions from a dermatologist, combined with careful skin care at home for a beautiful, healthy glow.

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