Causes of acne appear more around the mouth

Acne around the mouth is always an obsession of many people, because in addition to causing unsightly, acne around the mouth also makes eating and drinking a little more difficult. So what is the cause of acne appearing around the mouth? And how should we treat it effectively?

1. What is the cause of acne appearing around the mouth?

Acne around the mouth is formed from many causes from both internal and external factors. Knowing the exact cause of acne appearing around the mouth will make the acne treatment process easier.
1.1 Poor skin hygiene Unclean skin is always the leading cause of acne breakouts. Due to the process of eating and under the influence of the environment or you do not clean the skin, it accidentally causes the pores to become clogged, sebum accumulates on the skin, thereby causing acne to grow around the mouth or even. whole face.
1.2 Due to hormonal disorders in the body, acne caused by hormonal disorders is often difficult to treat and acne is easy to recur. Hormonal disorders often appear in puberty, pregnant women, your body is too stressed or often stressed. At this time, the sebaceous glands under the skin will be disturbed, causing bacteria and dirt to accumulate a lot, from which on the skin will form acne spots.
1.3 Overuse of cosmetics On the market today, there are many types of cosmetics with different uses and ingredients. This has inadvertently made many women confused and led to choosing cosmetics that are not really suitable for their skin.
Besides, many people accidentally use poor quality products, this has greatly affected the skin and resulted in acne appearing.
1.4 Unscientific diet and often staying up late Staying up late and a high-fat diet has a great influence on the skin, if this situation lasts long, it will continue to make your skin dark. and more acne around the mouth. In addition, a diet with too many hot and spicy foods will make the liver overloaded in detoxification. When the body does not remove toxins in time, it will cause acne.
Thường xuyên thức khuya có thể khiến mụn mọc quanh miệng
Thường xuyên thức khuya có thể khiến mụn mọc quanh miệng

2. How to effectively treat acne around the mouth?

To treat acne around the mouth effectively and limit acne scars, you can refer to the following ways:
2.1 Go to a doctor With persistent and many cases of acne around the mouth, The best way to handle it is to see a dermatologist for advice and prescribe the right acne treatment. This is really necessary as well as helps the acne treatment process to take place faster and more effectively.
During the treatment of acne, you need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor and do not arbitrarily end the course when the acne tends to decrease.
2.2 Pay more attention to facial hygiene Dirt, sebum is the leading cause of acne, so you should focus on cleaning the skin with gentle products, suitable for acne skin. . When the skin is clean and airy, it will minimize the occurrence of new acne.
At the cleaning step, choose a makeup remover and cleanser suitable for your current skin type. After cleaning the skin, you can use rose water to balance the pH of the skin.
2.3 Choosing an acne treatment cream Using an acne treatment cream around the mouth is always the most effective and time-saving way. You can refer to a few brands that have effective acne creams such as: obagi, murad, vichy...
However, it is still best to consult a doctor before choosing one for yourself. Quality acne cream products.
2.4 Adjust living and eating habits Diet and living habits are one of the great influences on the treatment of acne around the mouth. Make sure that when entering the acne treatment phase you need to have a plan to eat enough nutrients, high in fiber with green vegetables, fresh fruits and especially drink enough water.
Besides, you should set up a habit of going to bed on time, this is not only good for your skin but also for your health.
Điều chỉnh chế độ ăn uống giúp cải thiện tình trạng mụn mọc quanh miệng
Điều chỉnh chế độ ăn uống giúp cải thiện tình trạng mụn mọc quanh miệng

2.5 Do not squeeze acne with your hands Not only acne grows around your mouth, but in any position, you cannot arbitrarily squeeze acne with your hands. Because this will make acne worse as well as the skin prone to forming dark spots and scars after acne.
If acne has many nuclei, go to a reputable spa or a dermatology hospital to have acne pops as prescribed by a dermatologist.
Once you know the cause of acne appearing around the mouth and how to treat it, you can start implementing it so that the acne condition is reduced day by day.

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