Effects of eye massage

Today, people almost use and work with electronic devices such as computers, phones, televisions, ... This is also the cause of many people's eyestrain, blurred vision, many children nearsightedness, other eye diseases. Therefore, to limit encountering eye diseases, it is necessary to take care of the eyes carefully, the simplest is eye massage. The effect of eye massage is evaluated as both simple and highly effective.

1. Effects of eye massage

Massage the eye area to help bright, healthy eyes The skin in the eyes is thin, so it is easily affected by external influences. Massage the eye area helps the skin around the eyes to be smooth, slows down the aging process, appears wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, puffiness or ugly dark circles, thereby helping to preserve the youthfulness of your face.
Eye massage helps to stimulate circulation, avoid eye fatigue Massage for eyes is a simple and highly effective therapy. They help stimulate circulation to the eye area, but the massage technique must be correct. Should be combined after applying moisturizer, gently massage the eye area to help increase blood circulation and circulation.
Improve eye tissue microcirculation, regulate eyelid muscles, help stimulate cells, tissues, oxygen transmission network, improve vision.
Preventing eye diseases Today's electronic devices when used a lot make the eyes work too much because not only are exposed to the computer working at least 8 hours a day, but also watching TV, using phone. Long-term exposure to these devices will lead to many eye problems such as: dizziness, dizziness, eye fatigue, impaired vision.
Performing eye massage regularly will help slow down the progression of eye diseases such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism. Reduce the risk of increased myopia if persistently massage regularly every day.
Tác dụng của massage mắt
Massage vùng mắt giúp vùng da quanh mắt được mịn màng, chậm quá trình lão hóa

2. Effective eye massage exercises

Exercises to massage the eye area only need a little time, so instead of constantly looking at the computer screen working 8 hours a day, we should spend at least 15 minutes massaging the eye area to help the eyes rest. Rest, for healthy eyes, reduce eye diseases.
Can alternately perform eye massage movements for about 1 hour each time during work.
Here are some simple exercises to help relieve eye strain:
Yoga exercises for the eyes
Movement 1: Close your eyes, then open your eyes as wide as possible, repeat this movement 5 times. Movement 2: Glance all the way to the right, then slowly glance to the left. Repeat the movement 5 times. Step 3: Rotate your eyes clockwise. Do it about 3 times. Then rotate the eyes in the opposite direction. Movement 4: Rub both hands hot, then gently place them on the eye area to let the eyes feel the heat from the hands to relax. Do it 3 times. Press important points around the eye area such as: The first point of the eye (located under the eyebrow); Acupoints behind the eyes; 3 points in the lower eye bone: under the eye, in the middle of the eye, at the end of the eye. Some other techniques for massaging the eye area can be referred to:
Use the middle and ring fingers to gently swipe from the top of the eye to the corner of the eye. Use the tips of the middle and ring fingers to gently rub in the corner of the eyes, both to help relax the eyes, and to remove wrinkles at the corners of the eyes.

3. Nutritional supplements to help bright and healthy eyes

In addition to diligently and persistently massaging the eye area, we should combine it with a scientific diet, supplementing with many nutrients to help keep our eyes healthy, bright and beautiful. If the body lacks vitamin A, it will cause poor eyesight, dry eyes,...
Should add the following foods to be good for the eyes:
Vitamin A: Rich in eggs, milk, fish, animal liver Vitamin C: Helps Improve vision, reduce the risk of cataracts. Rich in sour fruits such as tomatoes, carrots, strawberries, grapefruit, oranges, grapes, pineapples,... Omega 3 : Salmon Vitamin E : Helps reduce the risk of cataracts, antioxidants: the vegetable oils such as soybean oil, peanut oil, nuts (pumpkin seeds, melon seeds...)
Tác dụng của massage mắt
Bổ sung các thực phẩm chứa vitamin C để tốt cho mắt

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Reference source: suckhoedoisong.vn
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