How does vitamin B5 work?

Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid, or Pantothenate. Vitamin B5 is an important component for the synthesis and metabolism of fats, proteins and coenzyme A. Therefore, they are involved in many metabolic reactions of the body, promoting healthy skin, hair and liver.

1. What is Vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5 is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to the group of B vitamins. It helps in energy production by breaking down fats and carbohydrates. It also promotes healthy skin, hair, eyes and liver. Humans need B5 to synthesize and metabolize fats, proteins, and coenzyme A.
B5 is one of the lesser-known vitamins, possibly because its deficiency is so rare.
Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid, or Pantothenate. The word pantothenic comes from the Greek word "pantou", which means everywhere. Nearly all foods contain small amounts of pantothenic acid.

2. How does Vitamin B5 work?

Vitamin B5 has many important functions. These include:
Converting food to glucose Synthesis of cholesterol Forming sex and stress related hormones Forming red blood cells Like all B vitamins, pantothenic acid helps the body break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins so that our bodies can use them for energy and rebuild tissues, muscles and organs.
2.1. Coenzyme A Vitamin B5 plays a role in coenzyme A synthesis. Coenzyme A participates in fatty acid synthesis and is important for converting food into fatty acids and cholesterol. Coenzyme A is also needed to make sphingosine, a fat-like molecule that helps deliver chemical messages inside the body's cells.
The liver needs Coenzyme A to safely metabolize certain drugs and toxins.
2.2. Digestive system Vitamin B5 helps maintain a healthy digestive system and helps the body use other vitamins, especially vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 helps manage stress, but there is no evidence that pantothenic acid reduces stress.
Vitamin B5 has been shown to reduce the spread of acne as well as benefit many other areas of the body.
2.3. Skin care Several studies have shown that vitamin B5 acts as a humectant in the skin and enhances wound healing in the skin.
Vitamin B5 dưỡng ẩm cho da
Vitamin B5 hoạt động như một chất giữ ẩm cho làn da
A study has shown that vitamin B5 helps with facial acne and reduces the number of facial blemishes caused by acne when taken as a dietary supplement. The researchers noted a "significant average reduction in total lesions" after 12 weeks of taking the B5 supplement. The authors call for more testing to confirm the results.
2.4. Cholesterol and triglycerides Some studies suggest that vitamin B5 intake may help lower cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels. This management process should only be pursued under medical supervision.
2.5. Rheumatoid Arthritis Some researchers have found that people with rheumatoid arthritis have lower levels of vitamin B5. However, more evidence is needed to confirm these results.

3. Vitamin B5 . Deficiency

Vitamin B5 deficiency is extremely rare in people because pantothenic acid is found in nearly all foods. A healthy and varied diet should provide enough for one person.
However, clinical trials have shown that a deficiency can lead to:
Fatigue Apathy Depression Irritability Sleep disturbances Stomach pain Nausea Vomiting Numbness Muscle cramps Low blood sugar Burning sensation in the feet Upper respiratory tract infections B5 deficiency can cause increased insulin sensitivity. In rats, vitamin B5 deficiency resulted in skin irritation and gray fur, but this was reversed when pantothenic acid was given orally. Once B5 absorption levels are restored to normal, many of these symptoms should go away.
Thiếu vitamin b5
Rất hiếm khi thấy tình trạng thiếu hụt vitamin B5

4. Food sources rich in Vitamin B5

Avocados are an excellent source of vitamin B5.
Experts recommend a daily vitamin B5 supplement:
Infants 0-6 months - 1.7 milligrams (mg) daily Infants 7-12 months - 1.8 mg daily Children 1- 3 years - 2 mg daily Children 4-8 years old - 3 mg daily Children 9-13 years old - 4 mg daily Men and women 14 years of age and older - 5 mg daily Pregnant women - 6 mg per day Day Lactating Women - 7 mg per day Vitamin B5 is water soluble and is excreted in the urine. Our bodies do not store it, and we need to consume it every day to replenish our supply.
Vitamin B5 is widely found in both animals and plants. Sources include:
Meat: Pork, chicken, turkey, duck, beef and especially offal of animals such as liver, kidney Fish: Salmon, lobster and shellfish. Grains: Whole grain breads and cereals. Whole grains are a good source of vitamin B5, but milling can remove up to 75% of the B5 content. Dairy products: Egg yolks, milk, yogurt and dairy products. Legumes: Lentils, peas, and soybeans. Vegetables: Mushrooms, avocados, broccoli, sweet potatoes, corn, cauliflower, kale, and tomatoes. Other sources of vitamin B5 include brewer's yeast, peanuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, royal jelly and oatmeal Pantothenic acid is widely available in foods, but it is lost during processing, such as such as in canning, freezing and milling. To ensure adequate amounts, food should be eaten fresh rather than refined. As with all water-soluble vitamins, vitamin B5 is lost when food is boiled. Scientists have found that bacteria in the lining of the colon can produce pantothenic acid, but this has yet to be proven.
Thực phẩm giàu vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 gần như có trong mọi loại thực phẩm

5. Side effects and interactions

Pantothenic acid is used as a supplement for a number of conditions, but there is not enough evidence to prove that it is effective in most of these cases.
Vitamin B5 may worsen the side effects of Alzheimer's disease medications.
For people maintaining the recommended daily dose of Vitamin B5 or slightly higher, supplements may be safe, but anyone considering taking a supplement should consult a doctor. See your doctor first.
A very high dose, for example, 10 - 20 grams a day, can cause diarrhea and increase the risk of bleeding. If vitamin B5 is taken as a supplement, it can throw off the balance of other B vitamins. For this reason, it is better to take vitamin B complex. This medicine should be taken after food, with water.
Royal jelly contains vitamin B5, so care should be taken not to use royal jelly with vitamin B5 supplements.
Vitamin B5 may interact with some medications. It can interfere with the absorption and effectiveness of the antibiotic, Tetracycline.
It may also increase the effects of certain medications for Alzheimer's disease, called cholinesterase inhibitors. These drugs include donepezil (Aricept), memantine hydrochloride (Ebixa), galantamine (Reminyl), and rivastigmine (Exelon). Taking supplements with these drugs can lead to side effects.
People using blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin) or aspirin should be careful when using vitamin B5 supplements, as B5 can increase the risk of bleeding.
Women should not take more than 6 mg a day during pregnancy and 7 mg while breastfeeding, as it may not be safe.
It is always best to check with a doctor before taking a supplement, especially for those with existing health conditions and who are taking other medications.

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