Instructions on how to properly apply a mask

Masking is one of the popular and highly effective skin care measures today. Dermatologists have shown that applying a mask properly can improve a user's skin quickly.

1. What is the effect of the mask?

Proper masking helps absorb excess oil, unclog clogged pores and limit skin inflammation. Besides, applying a facial mask also brings a relaxing feeling like getting professional skin care at luxurious spas in your own home.
There are different types of face masks on the market today and each offers different benefits to the skin. Some of the most common types of masks include:
Paper masks; Cream mask; Gel mask; Mud mask; Clay mask. The ingredients inside the mask may include enzymes, antioxidants and some other active ingredients. Dermatologists recommend using a mask at least once a week and at most once a day.
MORE: How often to use masks in your skin care routine

2. How to properly apply a mask

The first step in the correct masking process is choosing the right mask for the user's skin type:
Moisturizing mask: A hydrating mask or sheet mask is suitable for dry skin. In addition, experts recommend people with dry skin to apply a sleeping mask to bring maximum moisturizing ability; Clay mask and mud mask: These two types of masks are great for oily or combination skin; Cream, gel, and effervescent masks are usually suitable for acne-prone skin; Gel mask: Suitable for people with sensitive skin; Anti-Oxidant Masks: Anti-oxidant gel or cream masks are great for hyperpigmented skin types. Once you have determined the type of mask that is right for you, the user will take the following steps to apply the mask properly. Some types of masks can extend down to the neck area while others require massaging into the skin to maximize effectiveness.
Đắp mặt nạ
Mỗi loại mặt nạ lại có thành phần, công dụng và phù hợp với loại da riêng biệt

2.1. Apply cream masks properly Cream masks include two main types, washing and peeling.
Both forms are similar in that when applying, the user needs to use the fingertips to apply a layer of cream on the face; Avoid getting the cream mask on your lips, eyes and eyebrows. 2.2. Apply the effervescent mask properly Apply a small amount of the effervescent mask on the face; Keep mask out of eyes and lips. 2.3. Put the paper mask on properly First, take the paper mask out of its packaging and open it without tearing the mask; Arrange masks by face shape, eyes, nose and mouth; Gently press the mask to the face for even adhesion. 2.4. Apply the clay mask properly Use your fingertips to take an appropriate amount of the mask; Then proceed to apply evenly all over the face, starting from the upper half of the neck area towards the face; Do not let the mask get into your lips and eyes. 2.5. Apply the gel mask correctly Similar to a cream mask, when using a gel mask, use your fingertips to spread it all over your face; Avoid getting the gel mask into your eyes or lips. 2.6. Apply the sleeping mask properly The wearer applies a thin layer of the mask to the face, similar to applying a regular moisturizer; Avoid touching eyes and lips.

3. How to remove the mask

Most masks (except those directed for overnight use) should only be left on for no more than 20 minutes. If applied for longer than directed, the mask will begin to dry out and cause the skin to dry out.
For wash off mask
Use warm water and fingers to gently rub the mask to rinse; Avoid vigorous rubbing; Gently pat face to dry after rinsing. For sheet masks and peel-off masks:
Gently peel off the mask from the face; Take your time to do this patiently, don't pull the mask off too hard; Once the mask has been removed, continue with your daily skin care routine without rinsing. For sleeping masks:
Users do not need to rinse, but leave the mask on the skin during sleep. When you wake up, you'll proceed with your usual skincare routine.
mặt nạ ngủ
Sử dụng mặt nạ ngủ 2-3 lần/ tuần để da hấp thụ được dưỡng chất tối đa

4. What should be done before and after applying the mask?

To maximize the effectiveness of the mask, users can carry out several skin care routines before and after applying.
4.1. Skin care before applying the mask Before applying the mask, the user should note that the skin should be clean. Find and use the right cleanser for each skin type and use it before applying the mask. Washing your face is an effective preparation that helps your skin absorb the nutrients and active ingredients from the mask, helping to maximize its effectiveness.
4.2. After removing the mask, the wearer should continue to moisturize the skin while it is still damp. Use moisturizers suitable for your skin type and apply a thin layer after the mask is removed.
SEE ALSO: Benefits of cucumber mask and how to do it

5. How to make natural masks at home

If you want to save money and time by using ingredients at home instead of buying masks, users can apply some of the following recipes:
5.1. Avocado and Cocoa Mask For this mask recipe, users need an avocado, unsweetened cocoa powder and honey, these ingredients help moisturize the skin very well. Steps:
Mash 1/4 avocado in a cup; Add 1 teaspoon of cocoa and 1 teaspoon of honey; Mix the above mixture well; Facial cleansing; Apply the mixture on your face and let it sit for 10-20 minutes; Rinse with warm water and moisturize skin afterwards. 5.2. Egg and Oatmeal Mask The ingredients of this mask include 1 egg, honey, olive oil and oatmeal. The above nutritional ingredients can help remove excess oil from the skin. Steps to apply the mask properly:
Mix egg yolk, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1/2 cup of oatmeal; Facial cleansing; Apply the mixture on the skin and let it sit for 15-20 minutes; Rinse with warm water and moisturize. 5.3. Honey Orange Mask This mask includes orange juice and honey, this mask will quickly help brighten dull skin. The steps include:
Mix 3 tablespoons of orange juice with 1/4 cup of honey; Facial cleansing; Just apply the mask and gently apply the skin; Rinse skin with warm water and continue to moisturize. Masking has become a popular skin care practice. With so many options available, you can spend some time researching to find the right mask for you. Proper masking is an easy and relaxing way to take care of your skin, and can even be made at home with a few simple ingredients.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference source:
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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Dịch vụ từ Vinmec

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