Should you apply a mask overnight?

Masks come in different varieties, including clay masks, gel masks, activated charcoal, or a combination of different ingredients. Masks are usually placed on the face for a certain period of time. However, there are some masks that are recommended for overnight use. So what is the effect of applying an overnight mask?

1. Should I wear a mask overnight?

Depending on the purpose of beauty, users can choose a mask with different ingredients, suitable for each skin type such as dry skin, dull skin or acne skin.
Most masks are left on the skin for a certain amount of time, but there is a type of mask that is specially designed for overnight masking (also known as a sleeping mask) but is still guaranteed to be effective. skin safety.
Normal face masks may be too dry to stay on all night. However, each type of mask has a distinct therapeutic purpose. Sleeping masks are benign, homemade or store-bought masks and are very safe to use overnight. The downside to sleeping masks is that they can get your pillowcase dirty or dry out your skin.
SEE ALSO: What is the effect of wearing a mask?
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Mỗi loại mặt nạ có thành phần, công dụng và cách dùng khác nhau

2. Benefits of overnight masking

Overnight masking is a skin care measure that brings many benefits to users. A sleeping mask is basically the same as a nighttime moisturizer, but it also contains many active ingredients.
Certain ingredients that offer skin health benefits like salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and hyaluronic acid will help treat certain skin problems. Besides, masks also include many other ingredients (such as water) to make up the complete formula or support the active ingredients.
Benefits of overnight masking include:
Moisturizing : The mask ingredients have a longer time to absorb into the skin, helping to moisturize better. This is especially helpful for older people as the skin loses moisture with age; The regeneration of skin cells is usually strong at night. Therefore, applying the mask overnight helps skin cells to be regenerated more effectively; Applying a mask overnight helps the skin lock in moisture, as well as keeping dirt and other pollutants from entering the pores; Many sleeping masks contain vitamins and minerals, and other ingredients that are good for the skin. SEE ALSO: How often to use a mask in your skin care routine

3. Is it safe to wear a mask overnight?

If your mask is not specifically designed for overnight use, it is still considered safe to sleep in. However, users need to keep a few things in mind for a safe overnight mask:
If you are using other skin care products containing retinol or acids, you should not apply an overnight mask. with similar ingredients as this may cause skin irritation; Some like clay or activated charcoal masks may be too drying to use overnight. Therefore, do not mask overnight with these unless the user has very oily skin; Some homemade masks can become watery while sleeping, which can lead to dirty or damaged pillowcases and sheets; Avoid products that contain alcohol, as this can be drying and damaging to the skin. SEE ALSO: After exfoliating, should I apply a mask?
mặt nạ ngủ
Mặt nạ ngủ có chứa các thành phần lành tính để có thể đắp qua đêm mà vẫn an toàn cho da

4. How to properly apply a mask overnight

Most store-bought masks will have instructions for use. Before using, test a small amount on your skin first to make sure it doesn't cause an allergic reaction.
In general, applying a mask properly, the skin of the person applying it must be clean and dry. After applying the mask on your skin, wait for it to harden or harden before going to bed to avoid damaging the pillow or bed sheet. If the mask is watery and doesn't harden, consider spreading a towel over your pillow.
Wash off the mask thoroughly in the morning, unless it's fully absorbed into your skin (like some hydrating masks).
In addition, you also need to choose an appropriate overnight mask:
The nutrients in the sleeping mask will be absorbed into the skin throughout the night. This creates visible hydration, useful for dry and dull skin. Besides, skin that is continuously moisturized may have fewer wrinkles and a lighter color than usual; If you want to moisturize your skin, look for a mask that contains collagen peptides (an ingredient that has been researched to be effective for skin when taken orally), ceramides, or other moisturizing ingredients; Masks with acids such as alpha hydroxy acids or beta hydroxy acids help slow down the signs of aging. The sleeping mask is made from a blend of ingredients that are beneficial for the skin. Users can easily buy them at stores or make them at home. The composition and design of the sleeping mask is suitable and safe to wear overnight. However, to be on the safe side, you should test a small amount on your skin first to avoid possible allergic reactions.

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Reference source:
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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