What are the side effects of niacinamide?

Niacinamide in cosmetics is a powerful ingredient for both moisturizing and brightening the skin. However, when used in high concentrations in skin care formulations, niacinamide can cause skin irritation. Therefore, choosing to use niacinamide or vitamin B3 at a low concentration (1-2%) is suitable for skin care, avoiding side effects, because overuse can cause redness or inflammation of the skin.

1. What is Niacinamide in cosmetics?

The body is able to absorb niacinamide or niacin, the metabolic product of vitamin B3, from everyday foods such as eggs, milk, beans, fish and green vegetables. At the same time, the body can also use excess niacin to make this vitamin or convert tryptophan to niacinamide.
In addition to dietary sources of vitamin B3, the body also receives both niacinamide and niacin topically through the use of certain over-the-counter or prescription cosmetics and skin care products, such as body washes and shampoos. , skin care cream, hair care. This is an essential nutrient as well as a basic ingredient in common cosmetics, providing smooth skin and shiny hair.

2. Niacinamide in cosmetics good?

There are many reasons for the presence of niacinamide in skin care and beauty products. Essentially, it's a commonly used ingredient to treat skin conditions ranging from wrinkles and crow's feet to acne and redness, while improving the skin's appearance. Even better, this B vitamin easily penetrates the skin, which means that niacinamide works effectively as a topical skin care ingredient with the following specific advantages:
Building and strengthening the barrier lipids and locks in moisture in the skin Regulates oil and may help prevent breakouts Strengthens skin's ability to protect against environmental damage Improves sun damage Minimizes the appearance of pores Limits Inhibits the appearance of acne, skin redness. Supports the treatment of skin aging such as hyperpigmentation, skin wrinkles
Niacinamide tác dụng
Niacinamide có thể cải thiện các tình trạng da như vết nhăn, mụn,...

3. What are the side effects of niacinamide?

In skin-soothing products and cosmetics, niacinamide is on every ingredient list. Its role as an antioxidant and as an anti-inflammatory has been shown to help reduce redness in the skin. However, side effects such as redness can sometimes be experienced when taking niacinamide.
In some other cases, especially in people with sensitive skin, niacinamide can actually cause skin irritation. While in some individuals, this is an extremely soothing ingredient, reducing dry skin. Niacinamide has been shown to cause flushing of the face, especially in sensitive areas such as the cheeks and nose, and around the eyes, including redness, itching, stinging or burning. allergic dermatitis. When these symptoms occur, the user should remove the product from the skin immediately by rinsing with plenty of clean water under continuously running water.
The cause of the side effects when taking niacinamide is due to use in high concentrations. At the same time, another reason to realize is that users use too much, also known as abuse. (However, observers cannot rule out the possibility that another ingredient may cause skin irritation.) The mechanism of irritation is that when the body absorbs high levels of niacinamide, the concentration of niacinamide increases. Serum histamine levels induce allergic reactions in people prone to skin allergies.
Accordingly, if you have ever had a skin allergy before, choose a vitamin B treatment regimen through daily or oral foods, instead of using topical cosmetics.
Niacinamide tác dụng phụ
Đối với người có làn da nhạy cảm, niacinemaide có thể gây kích ứng

4. How to use niacinamide in cosmetics?

Besides looking for dietary sources of vitamin B3, topical niacinamide products can also be effective additions to an anti-aging skin care routine. Studies have observed skin benefits of niacinamide in cosmetics in concentrations between 2 and 5%, so look for products in this range. Higher concentrations of niacinamide in cosmetics may provide more nutrients but may cause side effects, depending on the individual's skin type.
There are many types of cosmetics and skin products that contain niacinamide, including cleansers, moisturizers, eye creams, toners, and even niacinamide serums. As taking niacinamide can cause some unwanted irritation at first, which is more of a matter of time, it's important to stick to using products with this ingredient as directed. If your skin is particularly sensitive, consult your dermatologist before using these products.
In summary, niacinamide is considered an essential nutrient for the beauty of skin and hair. However, we should not overdo it, because this can cause bad reactions to the skin and hair.
Actively visit the website of Vinmec International General Hospital to get more information about skin care and health for each age group.

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Reference source: webmd.com - allure.com - byrdie.com - self.com
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