What does a sleeping mask do?

The sleeping mask is a product that moisturizes and regenerates skin cells at night. Besides, they also have many other benefits for health. This is the reason why sleeping masks become a skin care product that experts encourage women to use.

1. Learn about sleeping masks

One of the most important steps in your skin care routine is to hydrate and moisturize. When the skin has enough water, it will be smooth, full of life and prevent skin aging. Therefore, moisturizing products are of great interest to many women, including sleeping masks.
This is a product originating from the country of cherry blossoms (Korea). The product has moisturizing effects even while you are sleeping. Sleeping masks will help nourish your skin overnight, regenerate and restore your skin during this golden period.
The effect of the sleeping mask will be doubled, because night is the best time to help the skin regenerate unaffected by UV rays like during the day. Therefore, a sleeping mask is a product that dermatologists recommend regularly.

2. Types of sleeping masks

Currently on the market there are two types of sleeping masks, which are: sleeping masks for the face and masks for the lips:

2.1. Sleeping mask for face

Inside the sleeping mask for face skin contains ingredients such as vitamins, collagen, hyaluronic acid. With a gel or jelly form with a thin, light texture that is easily absorbed and does not cause skin irritation, the sleeping mask creates a feeling of relaxation and comfort.
Sleeping masks for skin are contained in round jars, with convenient lids, easy to use and store.
Mặt nạ ngủ cho môi có kết cấu đặc giúp môi mềm mượt căng bóng
Mặt nạ ngủ cho môi có kết cấu đặc giúp môi mềm mượt căng bóng

2.2. Lip sleeping mask

Unlike facial sleeping masks, lip sleeping masks have a dense texture that makes lip care more effective. If during the winter weather your lips are chapped from dryness, then a sleeping mask is a great choice.

3. What are the effects of sleeping masks?

3.1. Moisturizing, hydrating

One of the biggest known uses of a sleeping mask is moisturizing. Therefore, this product helps lock in moisture at night, providing good moisture even in an air-conditioned environment. Using a sleeping mask regularly, you will not worry about skin lack of water or chapped.

3.2. Best skin resurfacing

As mentioned above, night is the most effective time for the skin to shed old cells and regenerate a new layer of cells. Therefore, a sleeping mask will speed up this process. As a result, you will own smooth, vibrant skin.
Mặt nạ ngủ đem lại làn da căng mịn
Đắp mặt nạ ngủ đem lại làn da căng mịn

3.3. Stimulate collagen production

Collagen is an ingredient that helps keep the skin firm and supple. As we age, collagen production declines, causing the skin to wrinkle and lose its inherent elasticity.
Sleeping mask will help stimulate collagen production because it contains many ingredients such as: peptides, ceramides and HA.

3.4. Bring back smooth skin

This is a favorite advantage of the sister association from the sleeping mask. Besides moisturizing effects from hyaluronic acid ingredients, sleeping masks also play the role of creating a protective film on the skin, reducing water loss and helping the skin to stretch.

3.5. Prevents premature aging

With the effect of moisturizing and increasing collagen, the sleeping mask at the same time helps prevent premature aging and minimize wrinkles.
As can be seen, sleeping masks bring a lot of benefits to the skin. Therefore, to get smooth skin, limit wrinkles and age problems, you should actively add masks to your daily skin care routine to see a positive change from your skin.

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Reference source: webmd.com - healthline.com

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