What is the pH of a facial cleanser?

One of the factors to have beautiful skin is that you need to pay attention to the pH when choosing a facial cleanser, because the pH plays a very important role for the skin. So what is the pH of the cleanser? How much is the pH level?

1. What is the pH? What is the pH of the skin?

The concept of pH is translated as "potential energy of hydrogen", which refers to the ability of hydrogen ions to function in an aqueous solution. The value of the pH in solution ranges from 0-14. If the pH is below 7 (neutral pH) it is considered acidic, while greater than 7 is considered alkaline.
This may come as a surprise to discover that the surface and top layers of the skin are naturally acidic. This is because the skin has a protective film on its surface, known as the acid mantle. The acid mantle plays an important role by working with natural skin ingredients such as ceramides, cholesterol, enzymes, perspiration and even the skin's natural oils, both protecting the skin's surface and covering it. lower layers from external threats. Besides, the acidic pH of the skin also plays a role in keeping the skin's delicate microbiome balanced. The local microflora that remains acidic inhibits harmful pathogens but allows the good to flourish.
Accordingly, the skin will be more compatible with acidic skin care products, especially the face, which produces more natural oils than other areas of the body. Although research into the skin's pH range has varied, current evidence suggests that the average skin pH is 4.7.
Độ ph của sữa rửa mặt phải tương thích với làn da

2. What is the pH of the cleanser? How does pH affect the skin?

Continuously messing with the skin's pH to such a large extent can lead to or worsen many problems, including common skin disorders and a dry, tight feeling when washing with bar soap or water ( most soaps are alkaline).
To avoid these problems, many people are interested in and looking for pH-balanced skin care products, especially the pH of a suitable facial cleanser. At this point, "pH-balanced" cleansers mean only products formulated with the right pH for normal, healthy skin. That range is most commonly defined as being between pH 4 and pH 7. And this will really help. Research has shown that skin care products like the pH of acidic cleansers stimulate the skin to produce key substances needed to look smoother, softer and more hydrated. This is the basis for users to choose the pH of the cleanser how much is good to match the skin.
However, if using a cleanser's pH is outside of this range, in most cases this is not cause for concern. Doctors have shown mild disruptions in skin's pH (such as from using a cleanser with an AHA or BHA exfoliant with a pH of 3.6 or a mineral sunscreen with a pH of 3.6). pH of 7.5) is only temporary. Healthy facial skin will naturally be able to balance to a normal pH level, usually within an hour afterward.
On the other hand, using an inappropriate pH of a cleanser, such as being highly acidic (pH 2.5 or less) or alkaline (pH 8 or higher), will cause more significant disruption in the process of rebalancing the pH of the skin. So the skin will take longer to return to normal. During this time, people with sensitive skin are vulnerable to factors that can cause breakouts, signs of eczema, redness, and sensitivity. That is why daily use of products with too high or too low pH can clearly see and damage the skin gradually.
Độ ph của sữa rửa mặt không thích hợp có thể gây ra mẩn đỏ

3. Benefits of using a low pH cleanser

Low pH cleansers tend to give products a gel, milky, or cream texture, which can be less drying than foam (the common form used by high pH cleansers).
Better for people with eczema skin at a lower pH, the lipid composition of the skin is preserved, ensuring skin stability in people prone to eczema or dry skin.
Protects the skin's natural acidity: This property is maintained by a thin coating on top of the skin, made up of skin's natural oils, perspiration and fatty acids, which protects the skin from damage. Potentially harmful bacteria and viruses can affect the skin condition when facial skin is inherently a sensitive area. At the same time, cleansers with low pH also improve problems such as acne, eczema and skin aging.
Độ ph của sữa rửa mặt thấp giúp cái thiện vấn đề lão hóa da
Độ ph của sữa rửa mặt thấp giúp cái thiện vấn đề lão hóa da

4. How to recognize a low pH facial cleanser?

With the above knowledge, the low pH of facial cleansers is the right choice for most skin types. But how do you know if a cleanser has a low pH?
If a product's pH isn't on the label, the best way to tell if a cleanser is pH balanced is to see if it's bubbly. If the product is creamy and gentle, it's a low pH cleanser.
In addition, with most reputable modern manufacturers, products marked "pH balanced" have been formulated to be compatible with the skin's natural pH and will not raise the pH of the skin. skin.
In short, in order for the face to stay radiant and healthy, the skin must maintain a complex defense system to protect against a wide range of damaging factors, including sun exposure, free radicals. free radicals and environmental pollutants. Accordingly, knowing how to choose a good pH of a facial cleanser is important, as everyone must wash their face daily in a minimal skin care routine. Thus, with a pH-balanced cleanser, the skin will be able to maintain its defenses while preventing irritation and limiting dryness.

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