Why is it important to take care of the skin around the eyes?

The skin around the eyes needs different care than the rest of your face. Follow these do's and don'ts to care for the skin of your eyes and fix common problems from wrinkles to puffiness.

1. Why need eye care?

The skin around the eyes can show the earliest signs of aging, especially if not taken care of properly. This is because the skin around the eyes is thinner and more fragile than other parts of the body. Besides, the eyes have to work continuously every day, such as blinking or expressing emotions, thus causing premature signs of aging.
Ultraviolet (UV) rays are external agents that greatly affect the skin of the eyes and body, causing the aging process to take place faster. However, no matter how old you are, taking care of your eyes and body is essential to prevent premature aging.

2. How do you take care of your eye skin?

Use eye cream: According to research by dermatologists, “Eye cream is one of those things that people often don't use. However, you need a cream that can penetrate this area to provide the necessary moisture to the skin.” Do not rely on facial moisturizer: Many patients often wonder if they can use regular eye moisturizer, most of the answer is no. You need an eye cream specifically designed for this area. Facial serums and moisturizers may contain active ingredients, such as retinoids, that are too strong for the skin under the eyes. Choose the right eye cream: Just because an area of ​​skin is thin doesn't mean you just need to use a bland moisturizer. One of the best ones to look for is an eye cream that contains retinol (a derivative of vitamin A). An eye cream that contains retinol will be different from a regular face cream. Due to the risk of irritation, it will be formulated with a lower concentration of retinol and emollients to increase hydration, reducing the risk of irritation.
chăm sóc da mắt
Chọn kem dưỡng mắt thích hợp là một trong những cách chăm sóc da mắt.

3. Tips to solve common eye skin problems

Dark circles When you lack of sleep, it will lead to dark circles under your eyes. These marks are difficult to completely remove, but some topical medications containing caffeine or vitamin K can help circulation to lighten dark eye skin.
Puffy eyes According to dermatologists, puffiness usually appears when you wake up, causing puffy eyes. This is caused by fluid that builds up under your eyes while you sleep. If this is your general case, buy a flat roller and keep it in the fridge (buy one shaped like a small ball to fit the eye area.) In the morning, dip the roller into the gel. eyes and gently roll over eye bags. While there's no scientific evidence that rollers will definitively reduce puffiness, some dermatologists recommend using them on the eye area when they're cold.
Lines and Wrinkles Choose a retinol or a peptide eye cream. Retinol and retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A that stimulate the production of skin cells as well as collagen. Retinol helps improve overall texture and goes deeper into skin structure to repair wrinkles. Use a retinol-containing cream at night for eye care. For the morning, use a cream containing green tea, which helps protect skin against environmental aggressors. According to research, the polyphenols in green tea are antioxidant compounds, which neutralize free radicals that cause aging in the body, reducing the risk of sunburn as well as collagen in your skin. The decline in collagen can be the cause of the appearance of pores, acne, wrinkles, and freckles on the face.
chăm sóc da mắt
Sử dụng kem chứa retinol vào ban đêm để chăm sóc da mắt.

4. Use cream or gel for better eye care?

Whether to use cream or gel for better eye care depends on your skin type and main concerns. If you have natural dry eyes, you should choose a cream with a lower amount of water than a gel to help your eyes stay hydrated.
However, if you are dealing with dark eye circles then a gel may be more suitable for you. When you apply it, any puffiness disappears instantly.
To properly apply eye cream or gel, dermatologists recommend using the lightest touch of your finger, usually your little finger. Then, pat all over the skin under your eyes until it's covered.

5. Diet and lifestyle changes can fix eye problems

Poor health habits, especially smoking, can contribute to eye problems. Drinking too much alcohol can cause dark circles as well as affect the quality of your sleep. Therefore, stick to a regimen of one drink per day for women and two for men; Make sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night, because a tired face, with drooping and swollen eyelids, and dark circles will show how tired you are.

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