Can men with varicose veins have children?

This article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Truong Nghia Binh - Obstetrician - Gynecology Department - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
Varicose veins are one of the leading causes of male infertility. However, with proper and timely treatment, men can still have normal children.

1. Is varicocele dangerous?

The system of veins is located above the testicles. Varicocele is when these veins are dilated, enlarged, long, and abnormally twisted. Varicose veins are more common in the left testicle than in the right. 6-8% of men have this condition and not all of these are infertile or infertile. In fact, up to 85% of adult men have this condition but are not infertile.
Varicocele can be a congenital condition, but because there are no clinical symptoms, it is difficult to detect early, mainly until adulthood.
Varicose veins can cause infertility because this condition affects and reduces sperm motility. About 90% of varicocele cases have poor sperm motility, 65% of men have sperm count less than 20 million/ml.

2. Varicose veins can still give birth

Nam giới bị giãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh có thể sinh con được không?
Nam giới bị giãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh vẫn có thể sinh con
Some explanations for infertility caused by varicocele are:
The prolonged increase in temperature in the testicles causes sperm production here to decrease Venous stasis in the testicles is for the products of metabolism. The blood flow to the testicles is stagnant, the elimination from the testicles is slowed down, causing poisoning of the sperm cells that exist there. Arterial blood supply to the testicles is reduced because venous stasis causes the arteries to the testicles to decrease significantly. Therefore, oxygen and nutrients feeding the testicles are reduced, affecting spermatogenesis. Hormonal disorders in the testicles directly affect the axis of the hippocampus, pituitary gland, and testes, causing gonadotropic hormones to be impaired. following disorders, adversely affecting testicular production. However, in fact, some studies on this disease show that varicocele does not cause infertility because many men have grade 3 varicocele since childhood but still have normal children. Statistics show that 85% of adult men with varicocele are not related to infertility problems.

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