Chronic seasonal allergies

A person with seasonal allergies is a person suffering from a disease related to the body's immune system, which manifests itself as a response to agents from the external environment. The symptoms of the disease such as allergic weather urticaria, allergic weather rash, etc. need to be overcome so as not to cause dangerous complications such as difficulty breathing, low blood pressure or skin infections.

1. What is a weather allergy?

Allergies are considered as a series of harmful reactions of the human immune system to allergens from the environment. It is the combination of allergic antibodies with foreign allergens that causes manifestations of diseases such as allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, seasonal allergies, atopic allergies, asthma. management...
In which, weather allergy is an allergic disease with manifestations such as weather allergy urticaria, allergic weather rash, itching causing skin lesions. This phenomenon appears after the patient is exposed to hot ambient temperatures, which is a hot weather allergy, or a cold weather allergy, a rash, or when the weather changes suddenly.
Allergic weather urticaria appears with lesions as a rash and angioedema. A rash is a phenomenon where the appearance of edematous papules surrounding a red halo and causing a very itchy feeling, persisting on our skin from 30 minutes to 36 hours, with a size of about 1mm to a few centimeters. As for swelling, this is a characteristic sign of seasonal allergies, hives with red or normal skin, less itching, pain and burning. The mechanism of this phenomenon involves IgE antibodies and chemical mediators such as histamine.
External allergens such as pollen, dust, animal dander, chemicals, food... Other causes are given such as genetics, age, gender... More than 80% The case was assumed to be idiopathic and of unknown etiology. So far, seasonal allergies have appeared mainly in adults and occurred more often in women than in men.
Dị ứng thời tiết nổi mề đay
Dị ứng thời tiết nổi mề đay xuất hiện với những tổn thương là phát ban và phù mạch

2. Are seasonal allergies dangerous?

Allergic weather urticaria or allergic weather rash pruritus includes two forms, acute and chronic. For acute cases, the disease lasts for 24 hours or less than 6 weeks, causing only uncomfortable itching symptoms during this time. However, if not treated promptly and properly, there will be a high risk of transitioning to the stage of chronic weather allergy, the patient will fall into edema of the eye mucosa, drop in blood pressure, anaphylactic shock. protection and can lead to death.

3. How to treat seasonal allergies

For different cases of seasonal allergies, there will be different treatments. If the urticaria is mild, the urticaria will go away on its own after a few hours to 1 or 2 days, or the patient can control his itch with folk remedies such as: Use guava leaves, green tea leaves and honey. In addition, for nutrition, people with weather allergies should eat foods containing vitamin C, vegetables, fruits... What is a diet allergy? great number of. Doctors believe that patients with seasonal allergies, rashes or hives should abstain from foods such as seafood, pupae, peanuts, and alcohol.
For the use of drugs, in the past, patients with allergic reactions to urticaria had to be treated with persistence and followed the correct use of the prescribed medication. The main drugs are first-generation H1-antihistamines such as promethazine or second-generation drugs such as cetirizine, loratadine. Your doctor will also prescribe systemic glucocorticoids for a short time to control severe episodes of urticaria. Some patients, when using these drugs but do not control their symptoms, will add omalizumab, a monoclonal antibody against immunoglobulin (Ig) E. However, this drug is still quite expensive in clinical practice. uneconomical, moreover the clinical effect of the drug has not been completely successful.
Recently, the latest studies show that dapsone is considered a more affordable and successful treatment for seasonal allergies. Dapsone, also known as diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS), has antibacterial effects, used in combination with rifampicin and clofazimin as well as other drugs against different diseases such as leprosy, pneumonia, Toxoplasma infection... However, the side effects of dapsone are nausea, loss of appetite, hepatitis, other rashes, decreased blood cells, broken red blood cells... so it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it. this method.
In addition, it is necessary to avoid cigarette smoke, smog, and pollen because these are allergies with a risk of causing allergies. The patient needs to keep the body warm and not scratch, limit rubbing on the skin to prevent skin damage. Patients need to avoid direct sunlight, deworming, anti-constipation, wear light and light clothing, avoid sweaty strenuous activities, reduce stress, and rest for the most effective treatment. .
Dị ứng thời tiết nổi mề đay
Cần phải tránh khói thuốc lá, khói bụi, phấn hoa vì đây là những dị ứng có nguy cơ gây dị ứng

4. Conclusion

Allergic Weather Urticaria, or seasonal allergies, itchiness is a disease of the human immune system that causes damage to the skin as well as can more seriously affect other organs and human life. . Treatment should focus on controlling symptoms, improving quality of life, and reducing unwanted side effects of medication.

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