Combine vegetable and animal protein in the daily diet

Science has proven, in both animal and vegetable protein, there are certain advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the harmonious combination of foods containing plant and animal protein is very important, minimizing the generation of adverse problems for the body and enhancing the role of protein in the body. physical improve.

1. The role of protein

Protein, also known as protein, includes two types of protein, plant protein and animal protein, which are important components of the living organism. Along with other components, protein participates in the process of forming organs and parts in the body. In particular, some important proteins also play a role in the composition of hormones, enzymes, antibodies and other compounds.
The nutritional value of plant or animal protein is determined by the relative quality and quantity of the different amino acids in the protein structure. During the digestion of food, the protein provided by food is broken down into amino acids. These amino acids will be absorbed from the intestines into the blood and then to the organs of the body, where it is used to synthesize specific proteins for the body. In fact, some amino acids are called essential amino acids because the body's development will be affected without it. These amino acids are not only synthesized inside the body but also fully supplied through food.
Essential amino acids: Including loxin, valine, isoloxin... Acginin and hitidin are also essential amino acids for children, they are not only limited to participating in protein synthesis in the body, but each Amino acids need to complete many different and important tasks in the endocrine glands such as thyroid gland, gonads, adrenal glands, especially, some amino acids are also involved in hematopoiesis. Nonessential amino acids: These amino acids make up an important proportion of the feed composition. Our body can synthesize these amino acids, but the internal synthesis can only meet the minimum needs of the body, so it is necessary to include the amino acids in the protein composition. plants and animals in the most rational way.

2. Why combine vegetable and animal protein in meals?

Tại sao phải kết hợp giữa đạm thực vật và đạm động vật trong bữa ăn?
In both foods containing plant protein (found in cereals, beans, potatoes...) or foods containing animal protein (found in fish, eggs, seafood, meat...) body pros and cons. If plant-based proteins have a lower biological value because they lack one or more essential amino acids or the arrangement of amino acids is not balanced, then plant proteins are not in a single form but exist in Conjugated form such as nucleoprotid, causing the metabolism to create toxic products for the body such as uric acid, urea, cholesterol, nitrate... is the cause of gout, cancer, atherosclerosis, increased Blood pressure, myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular rupture, which cause high mortality...
Because of the above advantages and disadvantages, the combination of plant-based and animal-based proteins in the daily diet is very important. important and necessary, to enhance the role of protein and limit the production of adverse health factors.

3. How to combine plant protein and animal protein?

Phối hợp đạm thực vật và đạm động vật trong chế độ ăn hàng ngày
Việc phối hợp protein động vật và protein thực vật trong chế độ ăn hàng ngày là rất quan trọng và phải tùy vào từng đối tượng cụ thể
The combination of animal protein and vegetable protein in the daily diet is very important and must depend on each specific object. For adults, the ratio of energy supply in a daily meal of ingredients should ensure the ratio of Protein: Lipid: Glucid (P: L: G) as follows: P: L: G = 14%: 20% : 66%. For children this ratio should be: P : L : G = 18% : 25% : 57% .
In addition to ensuring the correlation of the above energy-producing components from foods in daily meals, it is necessary to balance with protid of plant origin and protid of animal origin. If you know how to combine vegetable and animal protein, you will have a very rich source of mixed protein with high biological value to provide the body.
Some foods contain animal protein such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, shrimp, eel, crab and molluscs... when combined with plant-based proteins found in legumes, vegetables, or legumes. potatoes... will bring very high nutritional value. In addition, it is necessary to change the diet to get a rich diet for the body, to ensure that the body is fully developed and healthy. Smart housewives who choose scientific and reasonable foods not only bring delicious meals but also help protect the health of themselves and their families in daily meals.

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