Dermatitis – Methods of prevention and treatment

Dermatitis is a common disease with red, inflamed skin that may appear blisters, itchy sensations, sometimes burning pain and most commonly contact dermatitis. People divide Contact Dermatitis into 2 types: Direct Contact Dermatitis and Allergic Contact Dermatitis.
1. Contact dermatitis 1.1 Irritant contact dermatitis is usually caused by contact with high concentrations of chemical substances such as acids, alkalis, .... that anyone comes into contact with. also, often with skin contact (mainly open areas such as the face, neck, 2 forearms, hands, 2 legs, feet) inflamed red, slightly swollen skin, may have blisters, blisters, After the ulcer, the scab closes and then heals.
Dermatitis caused by insects such as Paedurus... is also a type of direct contact dermatitis often in streaks, sometimes in clusters in open areas such as face, neck, 2 hands, long streaks of red inflammation caused by substances In contact with the skin, the center of the streak, the patch often has blisters or sores, after it closes, the scab then heals, leaving a dark spot for a while.
The disease often appears in spring and autumn. Treatment of dermatitis use topical ointment or ointment Zinc Oxide, cream Eumovat, cream, antibiotic ointment if there is a superinfection, take anti-allergic drugs.

1.2 Allergic contact dermatitis Common in workers exposed to allergic sensitizers (allergens) such as nickel, potassium dichromate, formaldehyde, thiuram, rubber, cement cement, gasoline, chemicals, paints, detergents... sometimes related to chemicals in life such as clothes, shoes, jewelry rings, watch bands, makeup, moisturizers Skin... These substances are not in high concentrations, but the body is sensitive to allergies in the form of cell-mediated immunity, often open areas such as 2 forearm hands, 2 legs and feet, sometimes printed with images. contact, in addition to the contact area, the disease can appear in other skin areas in the body, the skin is inflamed, red, slightly swollen, with blisters, papules, if repeated many times the skin becomes thick, dark, likenization.
Specialist doctors can detect allergies and allergens with skin tests (Patch tests). Treat with zinc oxide ointment, ointment, corticoid cream, Tacrolimus cream, oral anti-allergic drugs and short-term oral corticosteroids if necessary.

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Regarding disease prevention: Minimize exposure to chemicals, should have labor protection equipment when exposed to chemical substances, allergens in industry, agriculture, life. With the prevention of dermatitis caused by insects, especially in the weather, the season has many insects, and when traveling on business or traveling to areas with lots of plants and insects, you should wear long-sleeved, tight-fitting clothes and shoes. Socks to protect the feet, use repellents, prevent insect stings...
Atopic dermatitis Also known as Baby Eczema, Atopic Eczema, Atopic Eczema.
The disease often appears in children 2-3 months old with atopic allergies called Atopy, family history of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, hay fever, 80% of cases Patients with elevated IgE in the blood, impaired cell-mediated immunity, or infection with Staphylococcus aureus lead to the initiation of histamine release, which causes itching and skin inflammation.
The first stage is called atopic dermatitis in infancy, in infancy appears at 2-3 months old to 2-3 years old, first appears on cheeks, forehead (horseshoe shape) with red inflamed patches , mild swelling, on a red background with many small blisters like a needle tip, the lesion may bleed, itch, scab discharge, in some cases spread to the forehead, head, trunk, limbs, the disease recurs many times. batch.
Stage of atopic eczema in children from 2-12 years old: if after 2-3 years the disease does not go away or gradually subsides, it is called atopic eczema in children, the disease is usually localized to the elbows and hamstrings on both sides. , 2 ankles, are red inflammatory clusters, itchy blisters, long-term lichenification of thick, dark skin, chronic progression and in about 10% of patients, the disease lasts into adulthood called eczema. In adults, there are lichenified lesions, buffalo neck marks in places such as children's eczema, chronic progression when the disease is in remission, when the disease recurs.
This is a skin disease that affects daily life, so patients need to be examined and monitored by a dermatologist for blood tests, IgE, and prescription for topical treatment such as using Lake, Fat Zinc oxide, corticoid cream, Tacroplimus cream, oral picrolimus cream with synthetic antihistamines, UVA and UVB rays, apply cream to keep skin moisture when the disease is better during the maintenance phase, limit soap and don't wear tight woolen clothes. to the skin causing allergies.
Prevention: Patients with atopic dermatitis and those with Atopy should note:
Do not bathe in hot water, use only moderately warm water. Avoid wearing woolen and nylon clothing that is close to the skin. Cotton should be worn. Avoid dry skin in the dry season, so apply a daily moisturizing cream like A Derma exomega Cream Avoid rubbing the skin, avoiding skin irritation. Pay attention when eating seafood that can cause allergies.
Còn goi là bệnh Chàm trẻ em, Chàm cơ địa, Eczema thể địa
Còn goi là bệnh Chàm trẻ em, Chàm cơ địa, Eczema thể địa
Folliculitis Folliculitis is a disease in the group of inflammatory skin diseases (Pyodermites, Bacterial skin infection) caused by Staphylococcus aureus, normally staphylococcus, streptococcus bacteria on the skin when met with conditions. Favorable conditions such as poor hygiene, reduced resistance, skin abrasions, internal disorders such as liver and kidney dysfunction, medical diseases such as diabetes... bacteria proliferation, increased toxins and cause disease, often in association with streptococci. Some other causes can cause secondary folliculitis such as shaving, waxing, and burying some drugs that cause inflammation, which can cause inflammation...
Common clinical manifestations of the disease are red, inflamed papules A few mm in size, localized in the hair follicle, there may be small pustules, after the pustules burst into red slips, crusted with brown secretions, then heal with or without scarring. Common locations of lesions are hairy areas, such as the scalp, eyebrows, chin beard, mustache, armpits, pubic area, and 2 legs. People are divided into 2 types: Superficial folliculitis and Deep folliculitis. In the case of deep folliculitis, the papules are more deeply infiltrated, sometimes as patches of red, inflamed papules on the surface. rough, pus-filled, persistent progression, sometimes folliculitis accompanied by furuncle.
Some rare cases Folliculitis in addition to Staphylococcus aureus also has the role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa or yeast Pityrosporum ovale, filamentous fungi Microsporum, Trichophyton, Folliculitis after hair removal, shaving chin... these cases should be examined by a dermatology specialist and tested to determine the causative agent.
Regarding the treatment of folliculitis, use topical drugs such as pigments such as 1% methyl blue solution, antibiotic ointment, oral antibiotics, B vitamins, and related diseases and disorders and in case of The role of fungi for the use of antifungal drugs.
Prevention of Folliculitis and Pyoderma in general, it is necessary to keep the skin clean, bathe daily, keep the skin clean and dry, avoid rubbing the skin, avoid scratching the skin, cure disorders, systemic disease if any.
Viêm nang lông (Folliculitis)
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Bs. Bui Khanh Duy
Dermatology CK - Vinmec Hospital
Skin and venereal diseases. BSCKII Editor-in-Chief Bui Khanh Duy. Pages 99-104, 122-129 People's Army Publishing House - 2008.
Klaus wolf, Richard Allen Johnson. Fitzpatrick s Color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology page 20-52, 994- 999. The Mc Graw - Hill Companies 2009
James L Campbell, James GH Dinulos, M. Shane Chapman, Kathryn A Zug. Skin disease - Diagnosis and treatment. Elsevier Mosby inc 2005.
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