Diet and exercise for people with diabetes

A diabetes diet is important as it is part of diabetes treatment, helping to support blood sugar control and prevent complications. How to control diabetes? There are 4 important things to do:
Reasonable diet Physical activity, proper exercise Increase drug treatment when necessary as prescribed by the doctor The patient knows how to self-monitor, test sugar Blood glucose meter at home is important Diabetes diet is important as it is part of diabetes treatment, helping to control blood sugar and prevent complications. Changing your diet also contributes to the treatment of obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. These diseases can affect people with diabetes and can lead to future problems such as strokes and heart attacks. It is necessary to choose appropriate foods as well as to use a balance of protein, starch and fat components in the daily menu.

It is necessary to choose appropriate foods as well as to use a balance of protein, starch and fat components in the daily menu. Blood sugar control goals for people with diabetes:
Fasting blood sugar from 4 -7.2 mmol/l 2 hours postprandial blood sugar below 10mmol/l or better below 8 mmol/l HbA1C from 6.5% -7% Note that this goal needs to be individualized, tailored to the specific condition of the patient. Purpose of nutrition in diabetes treatment
Does not increase blood glucose much after meals, nor does it lower blood glucose at away from meals, especially severe hypoglycemia Does not increase risk factors such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, kidney failure Consistent with nutritional status, habits, eating habits and healthy lifestyle Do not change too quickly and much of the structure and weight of the fish meal. Prevention and treatment of chronic complications of diabetes Improve health through healthy food choices and proper physical activity. Principles of diet for people with diabetes
Eat only the right amount of food daily to maintain a reasonable weight, necessary for normal activities. The amount of food is different for each subject depending on gender, weight, height, labor intensity... The meal must be balanced between proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. . Eat a variety of foods with a reasonable amount and time How to stabilize blood sugar
Avoid large meals, divide meals into 3 main meals, 1-3 snacks Should eat regularly and on time between meals. Do not skip meals, even when you are seriously ill or do not want to eat. Eat a stable and appropriate amount of carbohydrates for each person by replacing foods rich in carbohydrates. Use foods with a low glycemic index, eat slowly and chew well If taking blood glucose-lowering drugs, it is necessary to consult a nutritionist to know how to coordinate meals to suit the drug in terms of dose and time Physical exercise regimen
Physical activity Strength training increases cardiac endurance and helps with better blood sugar control because skeletal muscles can consume sugar during activity Increase regular physical activity, at least 30 minutes a day, most days of the week. Choosing exercises suitable for your health status, if you have complications of diabetes such as kidney complications, heart disease, you should limit high-intensity exercise movements. It is necessary to check blood sugar before and after exercise so that medication can be adjusted or eaten more as needed. Periodic visit to the endocrinologist-diabetes specialist for advice on diet, exercise, change in the dose of diabetes medication, early detection of possible complications. Dr. Bui Minh Duc Deputy Head of General Internal Medicine Department of Vinmec Hospital

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