Distinguish physiological hair loss - pathological hair loss

Hair loss is a warning sign of many dangerous diseases of the body. On the other hand, hair loss causes loss of aesthetics and affects your image.

1. Physiological hair loss

Physiological alopecia is defined as life cycle hair loss. Hair grows, then grows longer and then over time will age and fall out. After the hair falls out, a new layer of hair is born to replace the old one.
Every day, a strand of hair will grow by 0.35mm, which is about 1cm/1 month. On average, every day 30-100 hairs will be lost, and about the same amount of hair will grow. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about if you find yourself losing a few dozen strands of hair every day. Because that is normal physiological hair loss, there is nothing to worry about because about 100 hairs will grow every day.
Each hair will have a life cycle of 2-6 years (the time it takes to grow hair in women is usually longer than in men). At a time, on a hair, up to 85-95% of hair is in the growing (anagen) phase, 1-2% in the catagen phase and 5-10% in the resting phase, waiting for shedding. telogen). Because the process of hair growth and loss takes place at the same time, under normal physiological circumstances, the amount of hair is almost unchanged.
General hair loss due to causes: Due to external factors (environmental factors, pathologies such as fungi, bacteria that cause folliculitis), pathological hair loss and internal factors (pregnant women) , postpartum, menopause, malaria, typhoid, dengue fever, syphilis), hereditary hair loss, psychological effects, improper hair care (perm, excessive hair dye, using the wrong hair care products).
Rụng tóc
Rụng tóc sinh lý có thể do tuổi tác

2. Pathological hair loss

When you feel an abnormal amount of hair loss, you need to monitor to see if you fall into the following cases of pathological hair loss.
Hair loss of more than 100 strands per day, unexplained hair loss and continuous loss for a long time. The obvious sign is that every time you wash or brush your hair, your hair falls out one by one. Or when the hair is dry, you run your hand through the hair, the hair also falls out a lot and gets tangled in the fingers.
Hair falls out but does not grow back. Whether the hair loss is a little or a lot, but you have the feeling that your hair has not regrowed, the most obvious evidence is that your hair is getting thinner and less. In particular, when looking at the scalp, you will see very little hair growing, even very sparse patches of hair.
Hair loss is concentrated in patches. Hair only falls out in a certain position and also rarely grows back. If this is the case, after a short period of time your scalp will be exposed at the site of hair loss.
My hair grows very weak and thin, sometimes curly. This shows that your body is lacking nutrients, so it cannot nourish healthy hair. To overcome this situation, you should see a doctor to know what nutrients are better for your hair.
Hair loss accompanied by oily skin that is flaky, itchy or has many red spots. This could be a hair loss caused by a scalp fungus, so it is important to see a dermatologist immediately to prevent hair loss effectively.
Hair loss is caused by the weakening of hair germ cells. In particular, the factors that cause hair germ cells to weaken often originate from neuroendocrine disorders (different in men and women), genetics, stress, imbalanced nutrition, inflammation. ... When the hair germ cells are weakened, the hair cannot function properly, leading to hair loss, slow growth and thinner hair than usual.
Therefore, to prevent hair loss from the root and comprehensively, it is necessary to find a solution to protect and promote hair germ cells to grow with specific nutrients for men and women.
Rụng tóc
Tóc rụng quá nhiều một ngày, rụng không rõ nguyên nhân có thể là dấu hiệu bệnh lý

3. Address for examination and treatment of unexplained hair loss

Intravenous hair loss treatment is a procedure in which a steroid drug is injected into the skin to suppress the local immune response, stimulate hair follicle growth, or stimulate hair growth. Treatment of hair loss by injection at the lesion is a simple, safe, low-cost method in the treatment of alopecia areata and diffuse alopecia. This is also a safe and effective treatment method, bringing aesthetic value to customers, popular in dermatology. However, the effectiveness and safety of this method depends on the skill of the doctor.
Treatment of hair loss by injection at the lesion
Step 1: The doctor examines and evaluates the lesion Step 2: Apply local anesthetic with Emla cream 1 hour before the procedure Step 3: Inject at the lesion. Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital has been applying the treatment of hair loss with local injections very effectively. At Vinmec Hai Phong, local injection treatment for hair loss is performed in a sterile, safe environment for patients. The performing doctor is Doctor Le Thi Thu Hang with many years of experience and well-trained in France.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

373 lượt đọc

Dịch vụ từ Vinmec

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