Excessive sweating under the right arm?

Hello doctor,
I have a lot of sweat under my arm. The doctor told me to ask for a lot of sweat under the right arm, how to limit and get rid of it? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Dr., Doctor Le Thi Huong - General practitioner - Department of Examination, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
With the question “What should I do with a lot of sweat under the arm? , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Causes of excessive sweating:
Increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system causes increased sweating. Increased sweating occurs due to the patient's use of hot spicy foods, stimulants such as drinking alcohol, smoking, drinking coffee and other physical activities. Some other cases such as patients with diabetes, menopause, overactive thyroid, respiratory failure, ... or due to the use of drugs also cause increased sweating. May be due to genetic factors. Constantly under pressure, anxiety, stress,... May have some diseases such as arthritis, nervous tension, blood system disorders,... Excessive sweating can cause bad effects to health if not treated well, specifically:
Dermatological diseases: Wet skin with a lot of sweat and secretions on the skin is a favorable environment for bacteria and fungi to grow and develop. skin problems such as pimples, papules, urticaria, skin fungus,... Dehydration: The amount of water lost due to excessive sweating of the whole body without adequate replenishment will make the body tired. , leg cramps,... Unpleasant body odor: Sweat itself has no odor, but bacteria that grow on the skin and excrete waste products will cause an unpleasant body odor. Psychological problems: It is difficult for people with body sweats to avoid anxiety, low self-esteem and fear of communicating with people around them. depression. Sweat treatment
Improve living conditions
Do not wear clothes that are too tight, should use fabrics with high sweat absorption. Regularly change socks, thick lining, should use socks with silver layer. Use soap-free shower gels. Limit the use of products that increase perspiration such as alcohol, coffee,... Use deodorants. Use 10-25% aluminum salts for topical antiperspirant. Treatment methods: Hyperhidrosis can be controlled and treated by many methods as follows:
Ion transfer method: The ion source is delivered through the skin, through the hydrolysis system, the time taken from 10 -20 days. This method of treatment causes discomfort, irritation or inflammation of the skin, etc. In fact, this method requires a long time, is expensive, and has no absolute effect. For patients with axillary hyperhidrosis, this method is rarely chosen. Use of acetylcholine: This is a beta-blocker, patients with asthma or peripheral vascular disease should not use this drug. Commonly used drugs are Propantheline bromide, Propranolol SR,... However, this method is only applicable to certain cases. Botulinum Injection: Botulinum is a substance produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. This substance acts on the neurotransmitter at the synapse. The drug is injected into the skin locally. This method needs to be performed many times with high cost and temporary effect. Laparoscopic surgery for hyperhidrosis: This is a surgical method to destroy the sympathetic ganglia or the chain of ganglia that governs excessive sweating. If you still have questions about excessive sweating under the arms, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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