External hemorrhoids: Causes, symptoms and treatment

The article was written by Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Khanh - Head of Department of Gastroenterology - Urology - Robotic Surgery & Pediatric Surgery, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Although external hemorrhoids are easier to recognize, they are easily mistaken for internal hemorrhoids with prolapsed hemorrhoids. Moreover, with shame because delicate and subjective disease, external hemorrhoids are becoming more and more common, easy to catch and easy to relapse. Professional advice by Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Khanh - 15 years of experience About anorectal surgery, the following article includes the following contents:
Common causes, habits causing external hemorrhoids Warning symptoms of external hemorrhoids The stages of external hemorrhoids and corresponding treatment Vinmec - The leading prestigious address for examination and treatment of external hemorrhoids

Common causes of external hemorrhoids Daily habits or influences that increase the risk of hemorrhoids are:
Habit of sitting a lot, standing for a long time, sedentary, carrying heavy loads Prolonged constipation : Constipation, i.e. hard, dry stools that make it difficult to pass a bowel movement. At that time, having to push a lot causes increased pressure on the hemorrhoid veins for a long time, and at the same time, it will make the anal sphincter also relax, leading to hemorrhoids. Eating habits lacking fiber, hot spicy foods such as wine, beer, chili pepper, ... cause constipation and varicose veins hemorrhoids (low temperature), and lead to hemorrhoids. Some people have unintentional habits every day such as squatting, straining when having a bowel movement, gay sex, etc. Some people have systemic diseases such as digestive disorders, respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma, bronchitis). , bronchiectasis), .... According to traditional medicine, these diseases all cause weak gas and lead to hemorrhoids. Pregnant and postpartum women: When you are pregnant, you are more likely to become constipated, your health is weaker, which means that the venous system is also weaker. At the same time, the larger the fetus, the more it will compress and obstruct blood flow back to the inferior vena cava. These two factors cause and increase hemorrhoids in pregnant women. When giving birth naturally, pushing to bring the fetus out will inadvertently increase the pressure in the veins of the hemorrhoids too much and also aggravate the hemorrhoids.
Warning symptoms of hemorrhoids you should know
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External hemorrhoids are located under the skin, below the dentate line, from the external hemorrhoid plexus (inferior rectal vessels). External hemorrhoids have initial signs like internal hemorrhoids and synthetic hemorrhoids:
Blood in the stool: Blood in the stool, usually bright red blood - is the most common symptom and the reason why patients have to go to the muscles. medical department. Hemorrhoids are not always bloody. Many people with hemorrhoids do not have these symptoms. So this is a sign that you have this condition, but not sure what you say. There is a feeling of heaviness in the anus, straining. Anal burning pain: This feeling can only peak during and after going to the toilet, or it can be dull throughout the day, especially when sitting, significantly affecting the patient's daily activities. . Going out, the hemorrhoid prolapsed outside the anus. Hemorrhoids can automatically retract (grade 1, 2 disease), or have to be pushed up by hand (grade 3 disease), or cannot be pushed into the anal canal (grade 4 hemorrhoids). Grade 1 and 2 prolapsed hemorrhoids are less troublesome, from grade 3 onwards make patients feel uncomfortable when walking and doing heavy work, while grade 4 prolapsed hemorrhoids make patients extremely inconvenient in activities. daily action. These hemorrhoid symptoms all appear in the early stages of hemorrhoids but are easy to be confused with other diseases.

How do external hemorrhoids differentiate levels? External hemorrhoids regardless of grade, hemorrhoid grade only applies to internal hemorrhoids. When you have a bowel movement, bleeding more or less does not accurately reflect whether your hemorrhoids are heavy or light.
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When you have symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should visit a reputable medical facility for advice on specific disease conditions.
About classification of hemorrhoids for internal hemorrhoids. Grading is done through questionnaire and there are 4 degrees.
1st degree: hemorrhoids are congested, there may be bleeding (only enlarged in the lumen of the anal canal). Grade 2: prolapsed hemorrhoids when pushing, self-shrinking after defecation. Grade 3: prolapsed hemorrhoids when pushing, can't pull up on their own, have to push up with hands. Grade 4: frequent prolapsed hemorrhoids, including thrombosed prolapsed hemorrhoids.
Vinmec - A reliable, fast and effective external hemorrhoid treatment address As the leading modern international general hospital in the country, Vinmec has been and is the address of choice for hemorrhoid treatment by:
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A team of highly qualified doctors, many years of experience such as: Comprehensive and professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services Modern equipment system, effective diagnosis and treatment support Medical space modern, civilized, luxurious and maximally sterilized disease Modern, effective and efficient online management, sharing and data connection model of online information. Note: Before going to the doctor for hemorrhoids, you should have a bowel movement before coming to the doctor to help the examination process be effective.

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