12 best foods to eat in the morning

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it helps provide energy after a long night and kickstarts the body's metabolism. Therefore, using good foods for breakfast is very important.

A healthy breakfast is a meal containing nutritious foods that provide energy for a new day. However, common European breakfast foods like doughnuts, cakes, and pancakes are full of saturated fat, sugar, and lack protein or fiber.
Here are the 12 best foods you can eat in the morning.

1. Eggs

Eating eggs for breakfast not only increases the feeling of fullness for a long time, reducing calories at the next meal, but also helps maintain stable blood sugar and insulin levels. In addition, egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants help prevent eye disorders like cataracts and macular degeneration. Eggs are also one of the best sources of choline, a nutrient very important for brain and liver health.
Although eggs are high in cholesterol, eggs do not raise cholesterol levels in most people. In fact, eating whole eggs may reduce the risk of heart disease by correcting the shape of bad cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol and improving insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, three large eggs provide about 20 grams of high-quality protein.
Eggs are also very versatile, can be quickly boiled, fried, fried, omelet,...
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2. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a delicious, nutritious snack that is produced by filtering whey and other liquids from curd, creating a high-protein yogurt.
Yogurt and other dairy products can also help with weight management because they increase levels of hormones that promote fullness, including PYY and GLP-1. Furthermore, full-fat yogurt contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which increases fat and reduces breast cancer risk.
Certain types of Greek yogurt are good sources of probiotics that help keep the gut healthy.

3. Coffee

Coffee is a great drink to start the day. They are high in caffeine, which improves mood, alertness and performance. Even small amounts of caffeine can achieve these effects.
Caffeine has also been shown to increase metabolic rate and burn fat. In addition, coffee is rich in antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation, protect the cells that line blood vessels, and reduce the risk of diabetes and liver disease.
However, adding cream or sugar will reduce the beneficial effects of coffee. It's best to reduce or avoid adding sugar to your coffee and choose fat-free or plant-based milk instead of cream.
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4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is the best breakfast choice for cereal lovers. It's made from oats, which contain a unique fiber called oat beta-glucan. This fiber has many health benefits such as lowering cholesterol.
Furthermore, oat beta-glucan helps promote satiety, increasing levels of the fullness hormone PYY.
Oats are also rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants may also benefit heart health and lower blood pressure.
One caveat: In 35 grams of cooked oatmeal contains only about 6 grams of protein, which does not meet the protein requirement for breakfast. To increase the protein content of your oatmeal breakfast, you can combine oats with milk instead of water, add eggs or cheese.

5. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are extremely nutritious and one of the best sources of fiber. In 28 grams of chia seeds provide 11 grams of fiber per serving. Moreover, part of the fiber in chia seeds is viscous fiber, which helps absorb water, increases the volume of food moving through the digestive tract and helps to keep you full for a long time.
In a small 12-week study, people with diabetes who ate chia seeds experienced reduced hunger, improvements in blood sugar and blood pressure.
Chia seeds are also high in antioxidants, which help protect the body's cells from unstable molecules called free radicals that are produced during metabolism.

6. Berries

Popular berries like: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries,... These berries are lower in sugar than most fruits, but contain higher amounts of fiber.
In fact, in 120 grams of raspberries provide 8 grams of fiber. Berries also contain antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which are beneficial for a healthy heart. At the same time, berries work to reduce markers of inflammation, prevent blood cholesterol from oxidizing, and keep the cells lining the blood vessels healthy.
You can combine berries with Greek yogurt or cheese for breakfast for extra nutrition.
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Việt quất chứa lượng chất xơ cao

7. Nuts

Nuts are a great addition to breakfast, helping to keep you full and prevent weight gain. Nuts have been shown to improve heart disease risk, reduce insulin resistance, and reduce inflammation. All nuts are high in magnesium, potassium, and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
What's more, Brazil nuts are one of the best sources of selenium - just two Brazil nuts provide more than 100% of the recommended daily intake.
Nuts are also beneficial for people with diabetes.

8. Green tea

Green tea contains caffeine, which helps to improve alertness, work morale and increase metabolic rate. In green tea provides 35 - 70 mg of caffeine, which is about half the amount of coffee.
Green tea is especially helpful in fighting diabetes, lowering blood sugar and insulin levels. The antioxidant in green tea, EGCG, helps protect the brain, nervous system, and heart from damage.
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9. Whey protein

Some commonly used protein powders are: whey, eggs, soy and beans. However, whey protein is the fastest absorbed by the body. Whey protein offers several health benefits such as: it reduces appetite more than other forms of protein and leads to lowest calorie consumption at the next meal.
In addition, whey protein can help lower blood sugar levels, preserving muscle mass during weight loss. Fruit, greens, nut butters, or nuts can be added to protein shakes for fiber and antioxidants.

10. Fruits

All fruits contain vitamins, potassium, fiber and are relatively low in calories. One cup of chopped fruit provides about 80 - 130 calories, depending on the type.
Citrus fruits are also rich in vitamin C. In fact, one large orange provides more than 100% of your daily vitamin C needs. Fruit also contains high levels of fiber and water.
Combine fruit with eggs, cheese or Greek yogurt for a nutritious and filling breakfast that lasts for hours.
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11. Flaxseeds

Flaxseed is very good for health. They are rich in viscous fiber, which helps you feel full for several hours after eating. Flaxseed also improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar. against breast cancer.
Combine flaxseeds with Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or smoothies to boost the fiber and antioxidant content of your breakfast.

12. Cheese

Cheese has a high protein content, which increases metabolism, creates a feeling of fullness and reduces the level of the hormone ghrelin. Cheese is also full of fats like: conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that promotes weight loss.
Serve cheese with berries, ground flax seeds to help breakfast full of fat, fiber, vitamins.
In short, when you eat breakfast, make sure to choose foods that are rich in nutrients. Choosing the best foods to eat in the morning can help curb hunger and kick-start your metabolism.
Reference source: medicalnewstoday.com; healthline.com
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