All you need to know about bison meat

Bison is one of more than 100 species of ungulates in the family Bovidae, which also includes cattle. Although often grouped with buffalo, their anatomical features are slightly different. Historically, bison was the second most popular red meat, after regular beef. Today, the demand for bison meat is increasing day by day due to marketing methods, availability and favorable nutrition.

1. Nutritional value of bison meat

Bison meat contains a diverse amount of essential nutrients, including protein, iron, zinc, selenium and B vitamins. A 113-gram serving of bison meat provides:
Calories: 124 Protein: 17 grams Fat: 6 grams Saturated fat: 2.5 grams Carbs: < 1 gram Iron: 13% of the Daily Value (DV ) Selenium: 31% DV Vitamin B12 : 68% DV Zinc: 35% DV Vitamin B6 : 19% DV Vitamin B3 : 28% DV

2. Benefits of bison meat

Vitamin nhóm B
Thịt bò rừng rất giàu vitamin nhóm B

2.1 Great source of protein from bison Beef provides 17 grams of protein in a 113-gram serving and is considered an ideal source of protein. Adequate protein intake aids the body in many activities such as tissue repair, hormone production, and nutrient transport. The average daily recommended amount of protein for a person with moderate activity is between 1.4 and 2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight. Therefore, eating bison meat is a good way to meet enough protein for the body.
2.2 Rich in B vitamins Bison meat is rich in B vitamins, with an average of 113 grams of fresh meat containing 68%, 19% and 28% of the DV, respectively, of Vitamins B12, B6, and Niacin B3. These B vitamins aid in processes such as energy production, nerve support, and red blood cell formation.
2.3 High Iron, Selenium and Zinc In addition to its rich content of B Vitamins, bison meat also provides an excellent source of iron, selenium and zinc. With a serving of 113 grams, this meat contains 13% of the DV, 31% of the DV and 35% of the DV for the nutrients listed above, respectively.
Iron plays an important role in the regeneration and formation of red blood cells. These are the cells that carry oxygen throughout the human body.

Sau phẫu thuật giảm cân
Thịt bò rừng có lượng Calo tiêu thụ thấp là lựa chọn hữu ích cho những người muốn giảm cân

Selenium acts as an antioxidant, curbing the imbalance of free radicals and reducing the incidence of chronic diseases and dysfunction of tissues.
Along with that, zinc supports the immune system to help the body fight many different diseases. More specifically, zinc helps in cell growth and aids in wound healing. Consuming an adequate amount of zinc in the diet helps to optimize the immune system.
2.4 Low Calorie In comparison to other meats, bison meat is lower in calories with 124 calories and 6 grams of fat per 113 grams serving. When replacing other meats with bison meat, the body can still absorb the full range of nutrients but consume fewer calories. Therefore, this is an option for those who want to lose weight and improve their body.
2.5 Versatile use in recipes In addition to being an excellent source of nutrients, bison meat is also a favorite ingredient in the cooking process because of its versatility. Bison meat can be substituted for most other meats, used in a variety of dishes such as stir-fried, stewed or fried.

3. Some downsides of eating bison meat

Giá thịt bò rừng cao
Giá thịt bò rừng trung bình khá cao

3.1 Cost One of the most common considerations when using bison meat is the cost of the product. This type of meat has a rather high average price. This pricing is directly related to the supply and demand of the market. Moreover, the cost of raising and providing food for bison fluctuates wildly based on geographical area.
3.2 Ease of overcooking Compared with other meats, using bison meat in the cooking process has a faster cooking speed and overheats, which affects the quality of the meat such as too tough and dry. An effective way to handle this meat is to always use a food thermometer. Ground bison is usually 71 degrees Celsius while steaks using bison meat need to reach a minimum temperature of 145 degrees Celsius.

4. Regular bison and beef

Although bison and regular beef are nearly identical in quality, they still have specific differences. Bison meat is generally leaner and lower in calories than regular beef. The taste of these two meats is almost the same, some separate parts will taste and texture different.
In addition, the cultivation method of these two meats is not the same. Beef is usually factory-raised and uses grains to promote growth. Meanwhile, beef that is often grazed and uses natural grass sources as food. In some cases when market demand increases, farmers can also use grain in bison farming.
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