Can you be both fat and healthy?

People often think that a fat person cannot be healthy. Is this really true? Can you be both fat and healthy?

1. When can you be both fat and healthy?

Body mass index (BMI) has replaced height and weight charts as a widely used tool for assessing whether someone is at a healthy weight.
Both men and women use a formula, the height-to-weight ratio helps assess whether a brush is underweight, normal weight, or overweight.
For most people, BMI is a good assessment of body fat, overweight, and health risks. However, BMI may not be accurate for people who are muscular, short or elderly.
For example, a person who is 1.77m tall and weighs 99.8kg with 12% body fat will be considered obese based on BMI criteria (BMI ≈ 31.85). But clearly a person with 12% body fat cannot be obese.
Therefore, to determine a person's risk of obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, BMI is best weighed along with waist circumference.
To reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases, people with a BMI between 25 - 29.9 (overweight) and between 30 - 34.9 (grade I obesity) should have a waist size of no more than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men.
For people with a BMI over 35, waist measurement is not an appropriate marker for assessing risk factors.
That way you can be both fat and healthy. People who are overweight can be considered healthy if their waist circumference is below 35 inches for women or 40 inches for men and if they do not have two or more of the following conditions:
High blood pressure High blood sugar High cholesterol People who are both obese and healthy should control their blood pressure and control their weight, not to gain weight, it is best to lose a few pounds.
In addition, other risk factors, such as smoking, also affect the assessment of a person's health.
Chỉ số BMI
Chỉ số BMI giúp đánh giá xem ai đó có cân nặng khỏe mạnh hay không.

2. What risks can people who are both fat and healthy face?

Obesity and its related diseases claim many lives each year. The number was originally estimated at 400,000, but was recently revised to 112,000, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The researchers found that underweight and obese people had a higher risk of death than those of normal weight.
Surprisingly, the study found no risk of death for overweight people (those with a BMI between 25 and 29.9). This shows that people who gain a few extra pounds but lead a healthy lifestyle can enjoy good health.
However, this does not mean that this encourages you to be overweight or obese. Being healthy and fat also depends on a bunch of other factors like waist circumference, regular physical activity, a healthy diet, no smoking, no disease or a family history of no health conditions. chronic disease.
Being overweight can increase your risk of health problems, especially for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Being overweight is still considered a healthy condition that needs to be addressed. The best way to stay healthy is a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and a sensible eating plan.
kháng insulin biểu hiện của béo phì
Béo phì gây ra nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm

3. How to be both fat and healthy?

3.1. Focus on fitness

The key to being both fat and healthy is your fitness level, which seems to be more important than your weight.
The benefits of exercise go far beyond calories burned. Physical activity helps prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, some forms of cancer, and osteoporosis.
Exercise can also improve your mood, boost self-esteem, reduce anxiety and help manage stress. Improving your fitness level often increases muscle mass, which means your body burns more calories.
US recommendations encourage adults to be active 30 - 90 minutes a day, depending on each person's goals, specifically as follows:
30 minutes: is a general level for everyone. 60 minutes: recommended to prevent weight gain. 90 minutes: recommended for those trying to lose weight. However, exercise also needs to be done in a scientific way, you can't normally do nothing, then one day you suddenly feel the need to practice and practice for 90 minutes.
Start with a level your body feels comfortable with, and slowly build up to your own fitness level. If you're used to sitting all day, taking a 5-10 minute walk several times a day is a great start. You can break up your activity into increments of up to 30 minutes a day.
As you have become more adapted to your workouts, increase the duration or intensity of your workouts to increase your fitness level. If you don't know how, consult a fitness professional.
Tập thể dục quá mức
Duy trì việc tập thể dục thường xuyên giúp cơ thể khỏe mạnh, giữ cân nặng

3.2. Healthy diet

The relationship between diet, exercise, weight control and overall health is inseparable.
A simple way to control weight is to control calorie intake and calorie loss. Everyone burns calories, exercise at different levels will affect weight control.
One thing you need to remember is that eating healthy and exercising regularly is good for your health, whether they help you lose weight or not. If you're overweight, losing just a little bit of weight can boost your health without necessarily bringing your BMI back into the normal range. Losing 5 - 10% of body weight is associated with improved cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure.
This does not recommend being overweight, but rather indicates that improving your habits, especially eating healthier and exercising regularly is more important than the numbers on the scale.
Chế độ ăn cho người tiểu đường
Chế độ ăn lành mạnh rất tốt cho sức khỏe

3.3. Periodic health examination

Along with maintaining regular exercise and a healthy diet, regular health checkups are also extremely important.
When you have regular health check-ups, you will be evaluated by the doctors on the overall indicators of your body, monitoring your health status. From there, the doctor will give advice to help you have the best health.
Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, through regular health check-ups, you will be accurately assessed your body's indicators, in addition, regular health checks also help you detect get sick early, save money, save time, and at the same time have a high cure rate. In addition, Vinmec International General Hospital also deploys a variety of general health check-up packages, suitable for the choice of many subjects, including:
Children's general health check-up package Health check-up package General health Standard General health checkup package Comprehensive General health checkup package Special VIP general health checkup package Diamond general health checkup package Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system worldwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.

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