
Article written by MSc Dang Tien Dat - Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

Teeth grinding occurs when you bite your teeth together without the intention of chewing food. Teeth grinding is an unconscious activity and usually occurs during sleep. Teeth grinding occurs in about 10% of adults and 20% of children.

1. Harm of teeth grinding

When grinding teeth, the biting force of the teeth is 10 times the normal chewing force and the grinding time can be up to 40 minutes in 1 hour, at this time the muscles and joints will have to work hard almost continuously, this leads to :
The teeth are worn and sensitive, even cracked or broken. Pain in the lower jaw muscles, headache, neck and temporomandibular joint. Deformed jaw angle area, causing the jaw to bulge and cause asymmetry. Hearing damage and chronic tinnitus.
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2. Cause

In children, when new teeth erupt or are being replaced, teeth grinding can occur. This phenomenon will go away on its own when the baby's teeth are complete. When infected with worms, baby flukes can also grind their teeth due to the toxins secreted that irritate the nervous system.
Teeth grinding in adults is often related to stress factors such as stress, anxiety... In addition, local factors such as misaligned teeth, crooked dentures are also easy to cause teeth grinding. Certain neuroleptics can also cause teeth grinding during sleep.

3. Treatment

As for grinding teeth while awake, we can reduce this situation by paying attention to this habit and limiting them. However, for the state of teeth grinding during sleep, we need to find out the causes and eliminate them.
Eliminate stress with relaxation methods, yoga exercises, exercise will help reduce teeth grinding. Physical therapy exercises such as applying heat to the jaw muscles before going to bed also help reduce muscle tension and teeth grinding. Limit the use of stimulants such as tea, coffee, chewing on non-food items (sing-gum). Teeth grinding is closely related to sleep apnea, so treating sleep apnea will help reduce teeth grinding.
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Thư giãn giúp giảm bớt tình trạng nghiến răng khi ngủ
Orthodontic treatment or adjustment of teeth that cause joint pain, replacement of new dentures to help you get a good bite. For cases of excessive tooth wear causing joint collapse, it is necessary to restore the whole jaw (with porcelain crowns) to reconstruct the vertical size.

4. Structure of anti-crushing tray

Anti-crushing trough is an effective and reliable treatment. The tray will help protect your teeth from grinding. Besides, wearing a tray will help teeth and jaws stay in a more appropriate position, reducing grinding and muscle tension.
The anti-crunch trough is crafted according to the individual's teeth and fabricated a mouthpiece that fits snugly against the teeth in Arylic resin. This is a plastic derived from petroleum refining, with the scientific name PMMA.
With the characteristics of being transparent, light, having the advantage of smooth gloss, easy to process, flexible, and bending at will, the chewing trough is made to fit snugly around the teeth, without crevices, very thin and light. You do not feel uncomfortable when sleeping, and can be removed and inserted very easily and conveniently.
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5. Advantages of teeth grinding trays

Based on the mechanism that rubbing the force of teeth grinding causes teeth to wear, the anti-crunch tray is a solution to cover teeth to prevent teeth grinding from wearing away enamel.
Thanks to its outstanding flexibility, the chewing tray helps relieve pain, relieves tooth fatigue, reduces pressure on the TMJ, reduces jaw fatigue due to grinding, helps you get rid of the risk of TMJ disorders, which is very dangerous to health.
In the process of wearing anti-crushing trays, you should also regularly visit the dentist to control the level of tooth wear. In the case of teeth grinding due to the shape and position of the teeth causing the bite to be deviated, the teeth to grow unevenly, depending on the specific oral condition, the doctor will sharpen the imbalances, then cover the outer porcelain crown. for the teeth to fit together.
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