Classification of hematuria disease

Blood in the urine, also known as hematuria, is a condition in which red blood cells are mixed in the urine, which can be seen with the naked eye or not detected with the naked eye. Hematuria is a symptom that can be a physiological or pathological manifestation of many different diseases.

1. Types of hematuria

Hematuria is a condition in which red blood cells appear in the urine, hematuria can be gross or microscopic hematuria.
Gross hematuria: When the urine is dark red, it can be seen with the naked eye. Microscopic hematuria : Normal eyes do not detect abnormal urine, only detected when urine test shows red blood cell count > 10000 red blood cells/ml When hematuria occurs, it is important to pay attention to hematuria appearing. When urinating, the first urine is usually the cause in the urethra, in the middle, the cause is in the bladder, if the urine is in the whole process of urinating, it is necessary to find the cause and determine the location of the bleeding.

2. Causes of hematuria

2.1 Causes of hematuria from the kidney Kidney stones are the most common cause, encountered in most patients. If due to stones accompanied by other signs such as: There is a history of kidney stones, low back pain, often hematuria occurs after a heavy work, exertion. Renal TB: Common is microscopic hematuria, there may be bladder damage causing hematuria, accompanied by symptoms such as urinary frequency, nocturia, pain when urinating, urinating. purulent turbidity. In this case, for detection, it is necessary to look for TB bacilli in the urine. Acute glomerulonephritis: Usually microscopic hematuria, before the appearance of glomerulonephritis, there are signs of skin infection or acute pharyngitis. In addition to hematuria, the patient also had symptoms of fever, low back pain, soft white edema, oliguria or anuria, and increased blood pressure. Chronic glomerulonephritis: The patient showed symptoms of edema, increased blood pressure, microscopic hematuria, proteinuria, and decreased renal function. Acute pyelonephritis: Usually due to retrograde infection or urine stagnation, patients present with high fever, chills, low back pain, painful urination, urinary frequency, cloudy urine.
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Polycystic kidney disease: There may be some cases of hematuria, low back pain, blood urea increased. Renal embolism: A rare cause, the patient suddenly presents with unilateral low back pain, little urine, hematuria. Kidney cancer: Patients with kidney cancer often have large amounts of blood in the urine, intermittent hematuria, no pain or no signs of urinary disorders. Hematuria may or may not occur at any time regardless of exercise. Lumbar or kidney injury: Causes kidney damage, possibly rupture of the kidney. Renal schistosomiasis: Caused by parasites, causing hematuria, dysuria, and urinary frequency. It can then lead to pyelonephritis. IgA nephropathy: Usually seen in young people, hematuria occurs on both sides of the ureters.

2.2 Causes due to ureteral ureteral stone: Occurrence of symptoms with renal colic, the patient suddenly appeared with pain in the lower back on one side, pain spreading down to the genitals without a posture. pain, with little urination, painful urination, frequent urination, blood in the urine, sometimes urine stones. Urethral contusion 2.3 Bladder causes Cystitis : More common in women, due to shorter urethra, exposure to high risk of infection. Manifestations of dysuria, urinary frequency, hematuria, which can be resolved after a few days but can also cause retrograde inflammation. Papilloma: Bladder papilloma is common in men. Bladder stones: Usually caused by stones falling from the kidney, hematuria accompanied by painful urination, urinary frequency and urinary stones. Bladder diverticulum: The diverticulum allows urine to stagnate, easy to form stones, and recurrent bladder infections.
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2.4 Causes from the urethra, prostate Prostate enlargement and prostate cancer in elderly men: The patient shows symptoms such as difficulty urinating, straining to urinate, incomplete urination, urinating. many times at night, may be urinary retention. Urethral polyps: Usually seen in women, hematuria appears at the beginning of the field. To diagnose, it is necessary to conduct urethroscopy. 2.5 Non-urinary causes Other systemic causes of hematuria include: internal bleeding, subacute endocarditis, leukemia, coagulation factor disorders, bleeding thrombocytopenia...
In addition, there are some cases of hematuria without pathological causes: After a vigorous exercise such as swimming, soccer, running to the finish line in marathons...If present Short, spontaneous resolution without treatment and without other signs are not risk factors for kidney disease.

3. Some cases can be confused with hematuria

Some cases when urinating also appear red but not hematuria, so pay attention to distinguish it from true hematuria, including:
Due to eating foods such as red beets, candies... Using some drugs: Antibiotics rifampicin and metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, phenothiazines, phenolphthalein, desferrioxamine... There is hemolysis in the blood vessels: hemoglobinuria, such as blood transfusion accidents. In most cases of skeletal muscle injury, rhabdomyolysis appears myoglobinuria. Urate in urine Dark orange urine In case of hyperbilirubinemia: Dark urine. Blood in the urine: Seen in women who are in their menstrual cycle.
Uống thuốc
Sử dụng một số loại thuốc kháng sinh có thể gây nước tiểu có màu đỏ

Hematuria is not a disease but it is a warning sign of a pathology related to the urinary system or outside the urinary system. Therefore, when having hematuria, it is necessary to go to a medical facility to examine and find the cause of the disease for treatment.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a Urinary Pathology Screening Package with many utilities, including: Early detection of possible urinary diseases. Especially prostate diseases (benign prostatic hypertrophy, prostate cancer). The pathology of urinary stones .... thereby helping customers take preventive measures.

When registering for the urological screening package, customers will be examined by a urologist, ultrasound, urine culture... to detect the disease accurately and promptly.
To learn more about Vinmec's Service Packages and register for an appointment, you can contact HERE.

Blood in urine, blood in urine signal what? Hematuria: Diagnosis and Treatment Causes of Blood in Urine
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