Do porcelain veneers have bad breath?

Does porcelain veneers have bad breath? This is a question that many people are interested in when learning about porcelain crowns. So what is this problem, what is the cause and how to fix it when you have bad breath after porcelain crowns?

1. Do porcelain veneers have bad breath?

Porcelain veneers are a method of restoration for cases where 1, 2 or more teeth are lost. The doctor will make a porcelain bridge consisting of 3 or more porcelain crowns designed together. Two porcelain crowns in two bridges will be placed on top of two previously ground real teeth to replace one or more missing teeth in the middle.
Porcelain crowns only cause bad breath when the porcelain coating process takes place improperly and the quality of porcelain teeth is not guaranteed. Therefore, if you want to make porcelain teeth without bad breath, choose a reputable dental address to have porcelain teeth made according to the technical process and use quality porcelain teeth.
If during use, porcelain teeth appear abnormal, you should immediately contact the prosthodontist to check. In case the porcelain teeth are damaged or have strange symptoms, you must talk to the doctor as soon as possible for advice on timely solutions to avoid bad complications for the molars.

2. What causes bad breath after porcelain crowns?

Why do porcelain veneers have bad breath? As you know, the method of porcelain crowns is a quite popular cosmetic solution for molars today. This is like a new innovation in the dental industry to help protect teeth from external agents such as chemicals, heat, bacteria,... However, if after porcelain crowns, the breath has a difficult odor. Suffering can be caused by the following reasons:
Porcelain teeth have cracks or rough grooves for food, bacteria easily adhere to leading to bad breath. The food is easy to stick to the tooth pulp, causing bad smell The patient has bad breath since before porcelain teeth The patient is allergic to metal components in porcelain teeth The patient has sores due to chewing and biting right lips and cheeks People suffering from digestive tract diseases Patients with a history of bad breath Poor oral hygiene,... Therefore, porcelain crowns themselves are not the cause of bad breath. The cause of this situation is that the porcelain coating technique does not meet the standards and the oral hygiene regime is not correct.

3. Methods of treating bad breath when covered with porcelain teeth

Porcelain veneers have bad breath, what to do?
When you have bad breath and determine that it is caused by porcelain teeth, you should go to the dentist that has restored porcelain to the doctor to check the tightness between the porcelain crown and the gums is not open. If there is a gap, the doctor will adjust it because when the food stuck in the gap is broken down by bacteria, it causes an unpleasant odor. Besides, to avoid bad breath after porcelain coating, you also need to pay attention to the oral hygiene regime carefully. Porcelain teeth must be cared for like real teeth, daily oral hygiene, scaling and periodic dental check-ups every 6 months to check for abnormalities and timely treatment. You should use dental floss to remove excess food stuck in between teeth. Don't forget to use mouthwash to remove all harmful bacteria from your teeth! Choose a reputable dentist to make porcelain teeth All risks after porcelain crowns bad breath may be due to poor porcelain coating techniques and poor quality porcelain. Therefore, when there is a need to make porcelain teeth, you should consider choosing a really reliable dentist to have beautiful and durable porcelain teeth.

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