Fibromyalgia symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that affects mainly the muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft spots of the body. Symptoms of fibromyalgia when not controlled early can seriously affect the health and daily life of the patient.

1. General symptoms of fibromyalgia and related conditions

Fibromyalgia (FMS) often has the following general symptoms:
Painful spots on the body Sleep problems Persistent fatigue Problems with concentration and memory, also known as fibromyalgia called Fibro Fog Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) 1.1. Fibromyalgia sore spots Most people with fibromyalgia experience pain all over their body. The sensation of pain can be similar to bursitis, osteoarthritis, and tendinitis, but the difference is that it can affect your entire body.
Fibromyalgia can be dull, throbbing, or aching in the muscles, tendons and ligaments surrounding the joint. The pain can even run throughout the body. In addition, you may also have sore spots around the joint and feel it when you press on it with your fingers. Pain points in people without fibromyalgia are only felt when pressed. However, the same amount of pressure applied to the pain point in people with fibromyalgia is much more painful.
These pain points are usually located just below the surface of the skin, not in areas of deep pain. Fibromyalgia often causes more pain in the tissues surrounding muscles and joints than in the muscles themselves.
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1.2. Persistent fatigue from fibromyalgia People with fibromyalgia often experience fatigue that persists even with rest, such as after a good night's sleep. Some people also feel tired like the flu, or like they've worked long hours and lacked sleep.
People with fibromyalgia may feel too tired for exercise or more tired after exercise. Even seemingly simple daily tasks take a lot of effort to perform. Even your sex life is significantly affected by fibromyalgia episodes.
1.3. Sleep problems Most people with fibromyalgia find it difficult to sleep. In some cases, although it is easy to fall asleep, they often do not sleep deeply or are easily disturbed. This leaves them exhausted and not alert when they wake up in the morning.
Several recent studies have shown that people with fibromyalgia are constantly disrupted by sleep by bursts of brain activity that occurs similar to when they are awake. These interruptions prevent the patient from getting a deep sleep and limit the body's ability to repair itself, leading to a state of extreme fatigue.
1.4. Mood Disorders In fact, up to half of people with fibromyalgia have anxiety disorders or are depressed. Dealing with constant fatigue and pain can be stressful. It makes you feel anxious about catching up with life and not knowing what to do to make it better. This also makes you a less active and withdrawn person, which in turn leads to depression.
In addition, people diagnosed with fibromyalgia and depression often have difficulty concentrating and short-term memory, making it difficult for them to remember everyday events, such as where to key or plan to perform for the day.
1.5. Morning stiffness due to fibromyalgia Most people with fibromyalgia often feel stiff muscles/joints in the back, arms, and legs after waking up in the morning. This stiffness causes a feeling of stiffness similar to that of rheumatoid arthritis.
Stiffness in people with fibromyalgia may last for more than 15-20 minutes per day. Sometimes it lasts for hours, even days.
1.6. Swelling and tingling in hands/feet When you have fibromyalgia, you may experience symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and burning in your hands or feet. These sensations, collectively known as paresthesias, tend to occur randomly. They may last a few minutes or not go away. This feeling, along with stiffness, is especially bothersome in the morning after you wake up.
1.7. Fibromyalgia Headaches Up to 2 out of 5 people with fibromyalgia also have frequent migraines or tension headaches. This can be the result of pain in your neck and upper back, which occurs because of tight neck muscles or by pain points in the back of your head and neck. Headaches can make it harder to cope with and manage fibromyalgia.
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1.8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome About two-thirds of people with fibromyalgia experience abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and a feeling of nausea. In addition, the patient also has symptoms of diarrhea and constipation. Some people with fibromyalgia may have acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
1.9. Urinating problems An increased urge to urinate, pain when you pass, or a leaky bladder can happen when you have fibromyalgia. These symptoms can also occur due to kidney and bladder diseases, such as infections.
1.10. Dysmenorrhea Women with fibromyalgia may experience irregular menstrual cramps that last for many years along with a number of other notable symptoms.
1.11. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) RLS syndrome tends to affect your feet and lower legs below your knees. It can cause pain and you need to move your leg constantly to try to relieve this discomfort. Restless legs syndrome in people with fibromyalgia often has symptoms that are most pronounced at night and prevent the person from sleeping.
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